Title: One More For The Road
Disclaimer: Don’t own any of it, wish I did
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Tim, Jay
Series: Robin’s of Gotham side-story Other parts
here. Summary: Road trip era, near the end. Jay and Tim snarking and brothering.
A/N: A thousand and one thanks to
pervyficgirl for beta’ing this for me.
"Jay, you're in my light." Tim glanced up at his hovering brother. The hotel had one small window and Tim had set up shop right in the natural light pouring out of it. He was working on assembling his photo albums from their trip. He didn't want to leave it undone and have pictures loose everywhere once they finally made it back to Gotham. He didn't know if he'd really be in the mood to.
"So turn on the lamp." Jay smirked at him. Tim sighed and went back to sorting through his pictures.
"Anyone ever tell you you're a pain in the butt? We've been a few places, haven't we?" Tim frowned thoughtfully. He had a lot more pictures than he'd thought really. He'd forgotten some of them, and he didn't do that often.
"You'd know better than me." Jay shrugged. "I wasn't the one camera happy."
"No, you just bought souvenirs from nearly every single place." Tim smiled thinking of the trunk load of crap they'd accumulated. "Going to miss traveling?"
"Yeah, a bit. We've seen some pretty awesome places." Jay laughed and then leered at Tim. "And done some pretty awesome things."
"You're not that good." Tim rolled his eyes, smiling anyway.
"I'm awesome and you know it." Jay grinned self-confidently.
"Sure Jay, of course you are," Tim responded calmingly. "I admit, I will miss it a bit."
"You're the one who's decided to end our casual fucking." Jay answered.
"I don't think it's going anywhere and I'm not much for casual relationships anyway."
Tim shrugged.
"Works for me little bro," Jay said. "If you don't want to continue fucking me, it's
not hard to find people who do."
"I know." Tim rolled his eyes. "Just be careful."
"About that? Always am." Jay shrugged. "I don't want any mini-me running around. Or any diseases to prevent me from having fun."
"Pervert." Tim smiled lightly.
"Me?" Jay asked mock-innocently.
"Yes." Tim nodded matter-of-factly. "Now will you please get out of my light so I can finish assembling this?"
"Spoil sport." Jay sighed. "I'm headed for a drought and you're more interested in finishing your photo album than sex."
"Yes. And?" Tim raised an eyebrow.
Jay flung himself on their bed, grumbling and muttering under his breath. He started to randomly flip through the pictures, wondering what all Tim had taken pictures of. It seemed like every third stop, he'd dropped by a drug store to have a load of film developed. Cost a bundle but Tim seemed to enjoy himself, so it was all right. Tim enjoying himself was a good thing, in Jay's books. Especially when it came to enjoying Tim. He was kind of honored Tim had let him enjoy him for the remainder of their trip, but with it winding down, he was almost eager to get back to simpler brotherly relationships. Brothers didn't have to worry about pissing each other off after all. Fuck buddies did. And he missed riling Timmy up so much. Tim was fun to rile up. He was a challenge to rile up, but so fun once he got going.
"Grand Canyon." Tim held out a picture.
"That was a lot more fun than I expected," Jay admitted.
"It's one of the natural wonders of the world." Tim rolled his eyes. "It's got to have something going for it."
"I figured it was gonna be more like Meteor Crater." Jay shrugged. "Big hole in the ground."
"Meteor Crater was cool too, thinking about how big a disturbance. . ." Tim started.
"It was a big hole in the ground. If I wanted to see that, I'd go watch Supes and some flying villain duke it out." Jay shrugged. "Be a hell of a lot more interesting. But the Grand Canyon was actually interesting. Even the dumb ass ranger talks you dragged me to."
"You enjoyed those talks, Jay." Tim rolled his eyes.
"No I didn't." Jay shook his head.
"Yes, you did, I liked the animal ones, but you dragged me to the geology one," Tim countered.
"I thought you'd like that one, it was dry enough." Jay shrugged.
"You asked questions," Tim continued.
"Had no clue what was going on, course I asked questions," Jay replied.
"Whatever." Tim shrugged. Jay snatched a picture of one of the various Titan teams up and smirked.
"Now San Fran, I did enjoy." Jay laughed.
"Only because we were right under the Titans noses." Tim smirked slightly. "That was fun, however, we will be fixing their lack of vigilance when I get back."
"I have a feeling you'll be joining us. I don't trust you home with Dick," Tim explained.
"Why not?" Jay asked.
"Because one of you will wind up murdering the other," Tim said calmly. "Either that or you'll start impersonating him on the streets or something."
"Um, I can't, unless they've never seen Nightwing. Bit bulkier and so much hotter." Jay smiled, preening a little.
"Not really," Tim contradicted him. "Dick's got the better butt."
"Tim!" Jay laughed. "You've spent time observing golden boy's ass?"
"Who hasn't?" Tim asked.
"Point." Jay sat behind Tim and nuzzled his neck, nibbling.
"Ja~y ," Tim said warningly.
"We're not home yet, baby bird," Jay responded, biting on Tim's shoulder.
"Ngh," Tim gasped. "Dirty pool."
"Always, I taught you that." Jay sucked and licked at the spot.
"Menace." Tim twisted around, hands going up under Jay's shirt.
"Only if you're good," Jay promised, slowly biting his way up Tim's neck.
"And if I'm not?" Tim tweaked Jay's nipple.
"Then…ahhhhh…you're going to get it," Jay gasped biting Tim's earlobe hard and lifting Tim up onto the bed. "Such a bad little Robin."
"Only Tim here," Tim countered, half-heartedly fighting for dominance. "Not Robin."
"Whatever you are." Jay cupped Tim's ass. "Gonna get it good."
"Don't expect anything less, big brother." Tim nodded, certain of Jay. "Just what I want." He sighed as Jay started to bring him alive again. Sometimes it felt like the only time he could feel was when Jay was making him feel, when they were sleeping together, fucking, whatever it was they did. He'd probably miss it, but that's what his hand was for. Jay had taught him some new tricks tricks for that too. He just wished…well that didn't matter. Focusing in on Jay's skills, he lost himself in the sensations for one last time.
*comments and criticism are welcome, appreciated and taken into consideration*