Fic: Spoiling Dick

Mar 20, 2007 08:00

Title: Spoiling Dick
Disclaimer: Don’t own, wish I did
Rating: R
Characters: Roy/Dick
Series: Robin’s of Gotham… Other parts here.
Summary: Dick’s allowed strenuous activity, and Roy’s happy about it.
A/N: A thousand and one thanks to pervyficgirl for beta’ing this for me.

“Wing, Nightwing, slow down,” Arsenal panted. “We’re stopping here.” He landed lightly on the roof, and stopped. Dick had been entirely too happy to be out flying again. A week of being able to do strenuous activity and Dick hadn’t calmed down yet.

“But it’s not your apartment,” Dick observed. They were on top of a rather nice hotel.

“Because I got us a room,” Arsenal explained. “C’mon. I’ll check us in, and wave you in from the window of our suite.”

“Okay.” Dick frowned slightly. He didn’t like the unexpected and Roy hadn’t said anything about a night in a hotel.

Roy jumped down from the roof and walked into the hotel. Thankfully his job with the JLA paid well, so he could afford to splurge once in a while like this. Dick was fully certified, by both doctors and Bats, for strenuous activity and it had been a long time since they’d been able to ‘exert’ themselves.

He went in and paid for the room, thankful he didn’t mess with secret identity stuff. It would have been way too hard to arrange nights like these ones, if he had bothered to keep his identity a secret. Not to mention the added stress, and mess. He was content with things the way they were. He knew it was dangerous, but keeping his identity secret? Beyond being a moot point- not a lot of red headed archers running around-it seemed like it added a lot of unnecessary stress.

Arsenal went up to the room, flirted with a maid in the elevator as it really was his duty, and made sure everything was set up the way he ordered it. Finding everything was in order, he nodded to himself, satisfied and opened the window.

Nightwing had been watching for his partner to signal him into a room, and entered after only a moment to look around curiously. Place was cozily lit, and a dinner for two was sitting on the table. Through a doorway he could see there was a bedroom, and he assumed the other door was for the bathroom.

“Arsenal, what’s the occasion?” Nightwing frowned. He hurriedly tried to recall any important even that had happened on this date, or some possible permutation of this date. He wasn’t missing an anniversary was he?

“You’re back.” Arsenal shrugged. “The boys volunteered to watch the hellions, and I wanted to celebrate a bit.” The Hellions was what they’d all (except Alfred of course) started referring to the four children as. Alone they were not angels, but not quite as terrifying as when all four of them got together. Then they were a true force to be reckoned with. Roy dreaded/enjoyed the thought of what they’d do to criminals if they wound up taking after their various parental figures in the field.

“Oh.” Nightwing looked around curiously.

“C’mon, I got the bathtub all set up,” Roy said, leading the way. Nightwing followed, still a bit uncertain at all the fuss. The bathroom was as nice as the rest of the hotel room, and definitely had enough room in the tub for the both of them. Nightwing took a moment to enjoy the sight of Roy becoming naked for him, and then quickly peeled out of his costume and de-masked.

Roy watched Dick not make a show of taking off his costume with a slight frown. Dick usually didn’t even think about adding flourishes to his getting naked, he just did. Getting undressed simply wasn’t how he worked. Dick usually was ever the performer. This wasn’t right at all. He slid into the bath and watched as Dick slid in next to him. Roy pulled him between Roy’s legs, his back to Roy’s chest.

“Got plans for tonight,” Roy murmured into Dick’s ear. “Gonna have a long bath, maybe grab some food and then I’m gonna make it so you don’t remember your name.”

“Promise?” Dick questioned, idly playing with the bubbles.

“Of course,” Roy replied. He leaned down to kiss Dick for a long moment, trying to keep things somewhat banked for the moment. He did want to make sure they had fuel for his plans later on.

Dick leaned up in to the kiss, turning to face Roy. “Missed you.”

“Missed you too, Robbie,” Roy replied, hand caressing Dick’s sides. Dick shivered slightly, moving into the caresses. He wanted something now. “Impatient?”

“Want you, all of you,” Dick replied. “Been too freaking long, Speedy.”

“I know, but good things come to those who wait,” Roy said.

“Don’t want to wait,” Dick whined. He was hard already. Roy chuckled when he felt that, and kissed Dick again, before lathering up a washcloth, running it over Dick, gathering all the dirt and sweat and washing him clean again. Dick stole the washcloth and returned the favor, both using the hand shower nozzle to rinse each other off thoroughly. There were robes hanging off the back of the door and Roy handed the shorter one to Dick.

“Still want you,” Dick proclaimed.

“Still have me, but gonna have to wait for a bit,” Roy replied. Dick pulled Roy down, intent on changing his mind. Roy moved into the seduction, almost forgetting his plan, but stopping just in time, growling slightly at his impatient partner. “Robbie.”

“Fine.” Dick shrugged. He’d see how else he could get things to hurry up.

“Dick,” Roy said warningly, recognizing the tone. “We’ll get to it, just enjoy the lead up.”

“I said fine.” Dick huffed. Fine, he’d play along for a little while.

Roy led him back out to the main area, thankful he’d chosen foods that would keep well, even if Dick managed to distract him. Which if he kept things up, was a definitely possibility, Dick being in the mood he seemed to be in.

Dick enjoyed the meal, the two of them sitting next to each other, feeding each other choice bits, but he was really looking forward to the end of the meal, and what would come.
As they finished the meal, Roy pulled Dick out of his chair and into his arms.

“I can walk myself,” Dick objected. “I’m perfectly capable of it now.”

“Save your strength, Robbie-my-own,” Roy rumbled. “Close your eyes.” Dick closed them, and continued grumbling as Roy carried him, bridal style to the bedroom. Roy gently tossed Dick on the bed, and followed after, enjoying the sight of Dick in the navy blue robe on the black sheets. He caught up a red rose petal and trailed it teasingly along Dick’s chest.

“Roy,” Dick whined, eyes still closed. Roy grinned and unlaced the robe, letting it fall open, leaving Dick bare for his perusal. He continued teasing Dick with the petal.

“What do you smell Robbie?” Roy asked. Dick sniffed the air warily.

“Roses,” Dick replied after a moment. “Amber incense, and sandalwood oil. And…strawberries?”

“Very good.” Roy grinned. “Open your eyes, Robbie.” Dick took in the room, cozily lit as the rest of the hotel rooms had been, black sheets, and he was lying on a bed of rose petals.

“Bit over done, Roy?” Dick asked, touched at the forethought Roy had obviously put into this.

“Never,” Roy replied, rolling over to where the strawberries were resting in the wine chiller with the red wine he enjoyed. “Overdone would have been champagne.” Dick pouted slightly, he enjoyed a glass of champagne occasionally. The bubbles tickled.

“Oughtn’t it be white wine?” Dick asked as Roy poured them both glasses of the red.

“White wine tastes like rubbing alcohol.” Roy rolled his eyes, and bit down on a strawberry, eyes closing in blissful enjoyment. Dick tried to reach over and grab a strawberry for himself, but Roy slapped his hands away.

“Hey,” Dick objected. Roy leaned on one elbow and fed Dick a strawberry in answer. Caught at just the right time, they were deliciously ripe and juicy. Dick leaned against Roy, enjoying alternating bites of strawberry and sips of the red wine, and kisses. He started catching Roy’s fingers, nibbling them slightly after a couple strawberries, wanting the show to get moving.

Roy chuckled at the bites, putting the wine glass down, and leaning over. “Anxious?”

“For you to keep your promise?” Dick replied. “Always.” He captured Roy into a kiss, hands running along Roy’s back, unable to settle anywhere.

“Feel good, Robbie,” Roy muttered, tracing down Dick’s body with his own hands, pressing into spots guaranteed to make Dick moan, caressing over old scars, without letting his eyes stray from Dick’s own. “Beautiful.” He finally let his hands trace over the brand new six inch scar from the blackguard’s blade. He still wanted to kill them for hurting Dick so badly, taking away Dick’s freedom for so long like they had. Dick pulled away from the touch of Roy’s fingers on the new scar and Roy looked at him frowning.

“Still tender?” Roy questioned.

“Not really,” Dick answered.

“Then why the pulling away, love?” Roy frowned.

“Just,” Dick shrugged. “Don’t like it much.” He didn’t. It symbolized yet another failure to take care of his team, of letting them get captured, hurt.

“Dick.” Roy frowned, reading his partner. “It’s another badge of courage, love. A symbol of you surviving yet another horrible nightmare, and coming out mostly whole.” Roy leaned down, kissing his way along the scar, bathing it with his tongue. “My brave, beautiful Robbie.”

“Hmmm,” Dick hummed, enjoying the feeling of Roy’s tongue on him, still not happy about the new scar added to his collection. Another failure was nothing to boast about.

“D~ick,” Roy growled. “Don’t be stupid.” He moved back up the body of his lover, and proceeded to at least prove Dick was every bit as wonderful, as amazing, as absolutely his as before, using every trick in his arsenal to bring Dick to climax three times in quick succession.

Dick lay half on top of Roy, lazily tracing patterns on Roy’s chest, head nestled right under Roy’s chin. “Thanks.”

“For what?” Roy asked, fingers running through Dick’s sweaty hair, almost completely content.

“Spoiling me,” Dick replied.

Roy dropped a kiss on Dick’s forehead. “Deserve it, my own. Love you.”

“Love you too,” Dick responded.

“Sleep, we have the room through noon tomorrow,” Roy promised.

“M’kay.” Dick nodded, as his eyes fluttered shut. “Spoiled me rotten.”

“Lots to celebrate,” Roy replied, nuzzling Dick as he finally went to sleep.

*comments and criticism are welcome, appreciated and taken into consideration.*

dick, rog, roy, dick/roy, fic

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