Fic: Diner Dinner

Mar 19, 2007 23:58

Title: Diner Dinner
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Don’t own, wish I did.
Characters: Hal, Dinah, Arthur, J’onn and Ollie.
Summary: The gang remembers their leader, the way he would have wanted it.
A/N: Thanks to pervyficgirl for giving this a look through. For merfilly’s Remembering the Dead challenge

Hal walked into the old diner, the one he and Barry had eaten at so many times and looked around, remembering the old days for a moment.

“Your friend’s are in the back, sugar,” the waitress, Mellie told him. “You’re the last one in this time.”

“Thanks Mellie,” Hal smiled. He made his way to the back booth where the old crew was squished together and sat next to John Jones aka J’onn.

“Hey,” Ollie nodded to him.

“Hello Hal,” Dinah smiled from around John’s other side. “Late?”

“Ran into an issue on the way,” Hal shrugged easily. Idiot children wouldn’t have kept him from coming for the world.

“Any problems we should know about?” Arthur asked.

“Relax, just a minor thing,” Hal grinned. “Apparently thought it was a good idea to make a name for himself, attacking me.”

“That is, most unwise,” J’onn observed. Hal settled back, giving his order and jumped into the conversation. He saw Ollie often, Dinah very often since they were back on the same team, but Arthur was trapped being responsible leader under the water, and J’onn had been doing other things.

But it was Barry’s death-day and come hell, high water, fire or Crisis, they met each year, the six of them, to catch up. It was their tradition, their way of honoring their leader. Barry wouldn’t have wanted some big ritual; he wasn’t that type of guy. He would have wanted them doing exactly what they did, getting together, and renewing their bonds of friendship, of being a team, a family. Didn’t matter if the day before they’d been arguing fit to beat the hell out of each other, they all came to the diner, and had dinner with each other if they could reach the physical plane. Because that’s what Barry would have wanted his legacy to be.

The night wore down, and finally they’d finished catching up, retelling old tall tales about themselves, rehashed the same arguments and the ladies were looking to be ready to clean up. Hal ordered a round of beer.

“To Barry. And to us.” Because in the end, that’s what mattered. Them, and their leader, remembering him the way he would have wanted, with friendship and family, dinner and talk. Not a big memorial service, no going to an empty grave to lay flowers he’d never see anyway. Because Barry knew what was important, and he’d tried to pass it on to them. And in turn, they tried to remember it themselves. Because that’s what Barry would have wanted.

*comments and criticism are welcome, appreciated and taken into consideration*

character: arthur curry, hal, ollie, non rog, j'onn, dinah, fic

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