While New Brunswick [Canada] tends to be rather on the slow side of progressing on human rights legislation, this has been a long time coming.
Same-sex partners to be recognized as next of kin in N.B. hospitalsLast Updated: Monday, March 3, 2008 | 4:09 PM AT
CBC News
Hospitals in New Brunswick will now accept same-sex partners as next of kin following the resolution of a human rights complaint.
The New Brunswick Human Rights Commission announced on Monday that the province's eight health authorities have agreed to comply with a patient's right to name the person of his or her choice as power of attorney.
Previously patients were only able to list a spouse or a close blood relative.
The agreement was reached as a resolution to a complaint filed with the commission by Fredericton resident Peter Papoulidis.
Read whole article here.
Now I need to go get ready for work.