Laptop Stuff: Got a call from ICS yesterday. Laptop does need a new hard drive and a cleaning. Both are covered under the extended warranty. Yippeee! Some folks say the extended warranties are nothing but a cash grab from the companies that try to sell them. Let's just say this machine's repairs have been WELL worth having paid the $350 for the 3yr warranty. While it's been mostly good, I've had a few things go wrong with it. Let's just hope Futureshop honours their No Lemon Policy of replacing a defective machine.
Car stuff: On Monday I had to get a new (to me) used battery for the car. I worked Sunday night with a low-grade migraine and slight nausea. Only to go out in the morning to start the car and the battery was dead. I had booster cables in the boot of the vehicle, and I was able to get one of the maintenance fellows to come out and boost the battery for me. Got home. Called the auto parts store my father recommended to find out if they had a battery available and cost. Transferred money over. Picked up battery. Came home. Sometime during the day (Whilst I was sleeping), Dad put it into the vehicle for me. Yay Dad.
XMas Shopping: Yesterday I did some Christmas shopping. Okay, I just bought one gift for someone else. Got a sweater for myself, but I hadn't noticed a tear in the yarn until I got home (it was in a seam in the back). So need to take it back today to get (a) either money back, or (b) exchange it for something else. A book that I'd ordered from Chapters had come in, so I picked that up as well.
Need to pick up something for the
Fredericton Science Fiction Society Christmas party's gift exchange (party is on Friday night, and I won't have time tomorrow to pick one up or Friday.
Weather: It's bloody cold out. It's -17C (1.4F) at the moment. It's supposed to "warm-up" to -1C (30.2F) this afternoon and snow.