random rant

Jun 25, 2012 13:46

I wish RP partner-finding blogs and the like made it standard fare to include a post sample, so I don't have to constantly go through the awkward process of "can I see a sample post, please? Whatever is your typical length. The fandom doesn't matter, I just want to see your writing style (aka how badly you suck at grammar) and length (aka how frequently you spit out one-liners). Oh, you don't care enough about your writing to keep records of past RPs? I see. Well, I can't really understand that mindset. I don't think we'd be a good fit, I'm afraid. Oh, you found a post? Oh, thank you. Ah, I see here you clearly have no idea what the purpose behind capitalization is or where apostrophes should be placed, and oh, you seem to have developed an odd habit of putting periods in random spots mid-sentence. Yes, well...thanks for your interest! I'll, uh, keep you in mind." *runs for the hills*

/inb4 "Just tell them you're not interested!" And have to go through the even longer pussyfooting about the fact that their grammar sucks and their characters are unoriginal? No thank you. I get bashed enough from the people I already know.

Also: it's pretty ironic how basically without fail, people who tell me they have an English degree and/or published books have awful grammar. It's only the understated ones who even have a chance of knowing how to write, I presume because they aren't already telling themselves, "my grammar is flawless, no need to keep improving!"
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