
Oct 31, 2023 20:09

So, I came home with the souvenir nobody wants, though a Covid test was negative, but I'm still worried about bronchitis (I'm prone to that & pneumonia) so I'm laying pretty low.

My other souvenirs were amazing though. The memories in particular. The photos. The book I bought. The hiking-wow. I didn't expect there to be so much hiking on a trip designed for seniors, but I knew there would be hiking. It was exactly what I hoped for minus the cold from hell that I brought home. I don't think I mentioned that we stopped into an Amish store as well (one of our side-trips) and they sold actual stationery! I bought 3 tablets. As I've expressed before, I'm more of an agnostic Buddhist than anything else, so it wasn't easy to find the secular stationery (without Bible verses) but I found 3 beautiful ones that I will definitely use.

It's NaNoWriMo Eve and this book I'm writing won't be finished this month, but I do hope for 50,000 words. I'll need to edit heavily (not my favorite thing) but I'm excited to do a NaNo month in earnest. It's been a few years since my last solid idea in addition to my eyes behaving for the most part. The last awesome idea I had never took hold because my eyes couldn't handle the intense computer work.

My eye doctor is probably nearly 80. He's arrogant but he definitely has helped me immeasureably. I owe him my gratitude for sure. My eyes will probably never be normal again and they still cause problems, but they last much longer because of his diagnoses (mainly the fact that my allergies were affecting eye infections I was getting and I was in an allergy/infection cycle for pretty much a decade) I'm actually able to do NaNoWriMo properly again. I have a plan and if Plan A doesn't work out like I hope, I also have a Plan B. Possibly a Plan C, but I hope it doesn't come to that. 😉

I humaned a bit today. I'm so wiped out though and hope tomorrow will be better. I am resting as much as possible but I'll need to do some yoga soon as my back is starting to get grumpy with me.

Watching Halloween movies tonight. Hocus Pocus is on right now. I haven't seen the second one yet. I read the synopsis which didn't excite me and haven't heard a great deal about it since it was released (mixed bag on the interwebs) so I'm not renting it and it hasn't shown up free on any of our subscriptions. Have you seen it? If so, what are your thoughts?

Happy Halloween and if you're doing NaNo this year--may the words be with you. 💕 xoxo

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