So, I have spent the past two weeks in a suppressed panic over finals -- reading! test taking! how the hell do I draw an Art Nouveau Ham and Cheese Souffle (don't ask) -- and I haven't had any time to pass on links, but I'm making time for this one.
Pretty Bird Woman House is a women's shelter on a Lakota Sioux reservation in South Dakota, and it needs help -- between the incredible poverty of the reservation, the quasi-sovereign legal tangle of its government, and its remote location, it's almost impossible for battered women to get the help they need. Last month thieves broke into the shelter and ransacked it.
The link above describes the situation in greater detail, and includes links and addresses for donations. The netroots were able to raise almost $30,000 for the shelter before it was demolished, and we can do it again. I really, really wish I could help right now, but it'll have to wait till next quarter's financial aid check comes in. So I'm passing it off to you guys -- if you have the money to spare, or any material donations, please take the time to send them. If you can't, please take the time to repost this link.
I'm making this entry public, so if you just want to link back here, that's fine too. I will seriously owe anyone who helps out with this, and I ♥♥♥ you all.