On a happier note, I think I might have found a prom dress.
I am not sure though. I adore the design, I just really hate sequins. And I worry the flower on the shoulder is a little much. But I will hunt it down in a store somewhere and try it on. Riannon and I decided a while ago that we're going to get electroluminescent wire and sew it on whatever dresses we get because we yearn to be Daft Punk. So no matter what dress I get, it's going to be ridonks.
Between the snow day on Monday and staying at my mom's house for the weekend, I'm almost done with my new playthrough of Mass Effect. [SPOILERS AHOY] It's going splendidly. I saved Kirrahe and Wrex this time. Used Wrex a lot more than usual, I'm not sure why I didn't like him the first time through. He is wonderful. What else...still got the Kaidan/Liara/femshep confrontation. Suggested threesome, made Kaidan sad. Killed Ashley, rejoiced.
Also I finally got Resident Evil 4 for the wii, since my PS2 is dead. Considering how many hours I put into the game, it's rough playing with new controls. I used to be so good at this. ;____;
It looks like I'm going to Tekkoshocon in Pittsburgh next month. Wearin' my Shepard costume again yeaaaah. I'm going to make a handgun and remake her necklace, and it's basically going to be the greatest thing ever, ngl.
Contemplating getting red contacts for it, but they don't really make any that actually look like Shepard's weird-ass glowy renegade eyes so I guess I'll just do light scars. That's closest to my Shep anyway, just a tad renegade.
My friend Kelson is coming over for the Oscar's tonight. I don't usually hang out with school friends outside of school, so I'm really looking forward to it. I seem to be the only one of my friends who really likes one on one hanging out instead of parties, so I'm kinda glad that other people aren't showing up. Also because there's a possibility that I will flip out and punch through the wall if something happens and I don't want everyone to have to see that.
Exit Through the Gift Shop didn't win best doc, Tron didn't get sound editing... I GIVE UP. ;_____;