as long as there's a record deal, we'll always be friends.

Aug 31, 2011 20:39

You know when an appropriate time for me to ask if I should make a pregnancy filter was? Oh, about seven months ago. So I think I'm just going to power through on this regular posting of it and then hopefully anyone that doesn't care can just skip it.

But first I'm going to talk about non-pregnancy stuff. Like this dog that keeps barking. There is a dog in a house somewhere behind us that barks all the fucking time and it makes me irate. Like, dogs do not just bark for no reason. They bark because they're not trained not to and/or because we apparently have neighbors that are shitty owners and just, oh my god, I don't understand how I can love dogs so much and hate the sound of a dog barking. And you know what, all right, maybe I'm being too harsh on the dog or the owners or whatever, and the dog just wants to bark to express his inner anguish. I get that. THEN BRING HIM IN THE HOUSE. Don't leave him in your backyard in the summer in Las Vegas where the only thing separating my backyard from yours is a six foot high cinder block wall. (Las Vegas: not so beautiful in the backyard department, let me say.)

I have yelled out our back door pretty consistently every time it goes on for more than 10 minutes, but IT IS DRIVING ME CRAZY. And I'm just the right amount of hormonal that I would stomp over there and yell at them if only I could figure out which fucking house it was! The houses in this development are like a goddamn labyrinth backyard wise and seriously, shut the dog up.

So, that's clearly a major, quality-of-life affecting thing going on in my life. And I just spent a lot of words on it. Whoops. I am all about solutions to this though, so if you have one, please let me know. If it involves tranquilizing a piece of meat with a mild sedative so that the owners are scared into believing that the dog is sick and then when he comes back and isn't harmed at all and then they appreciate him so much more and never leave him outside to bark all the time because they realize how much they need to show him more love, don't worry, I've already thought about that and if that's something you say out loud, like that you even had a thought like that, people do not want to continue to talk to you, fyi.

Since I've apparently whipped myself into a frenzy (you know what that makes me think of? Blizzards. And how much I would like a Blizzard. The Dairy Queen kind. I just want some ice cream.) anyway, what. Frenzy. Doctor Who!

I don't think I can do this. I don't think I can spend this series of episodes with the weird smugness of River Song and the creation of a relationship that I don't actually like once it's come to fruition because seriously can we just take a break from relationship stuff re: the Doctor being the center of everything. OK, it's his show. And OK I will sing about (well, read about) Rose and Ten forever because that falls into my "People I Find Attractive and Therefore Want To Watch Make Out With Each Other" list, but at the end of the day, I think the episodes I enjoy the most are all Donna episodes because it's just having fun traveling across time and space and not, I don't know, big, sweeping life stuff.

Maybe my attention span is just getting too short for this shit? Maybe I watched too many sitcoms and now I want pre-packaged little bits of beauty that I can digest and there's no thread I have to unravel (and if there it's something like Who The Mother Is, which I refuse to believe we have anywhere near enough info to know about, so it doesn't stress me out) and timey wimey stuff to give me a headache (seriously is there a way that them doing this relationship in reverse order actually works? because when i think about my brain itches.)

I don't even know how to explain what I want to say. The episode I've watched the most, from beginning to end, is hands down The Unicorn and the Wasp, and I don't know why we can't have more episodes like that, all encapsulated and neat and Monster of the Week. Almost all of my favorite X-Files episodes: also monster of the week. The Doctor's Wife! That episode was another perfect example of that! DELIGHTFUL.

Instead, Steven Moffat seems to want to skip through the series leaving half-formed clues and centering everything around how much he (and by extension River Song) know and aren't we all so funny, just clinging along for the ride. And now it's like, River doesn't know anything, but it's STILL going to be about excruciating and vague smugness and breadcrumbs and ugggggh, I wish I were explaining this better.

Actually, I definitely wish I were explaining this better just because everyone seems to love River/this whole arc and I feel like a horrible person when I don't agree. AND I DON'T AGREE. My favorite part of Let's Kill Hitler was the two minutes of Amy/Rory backstory, followed maybe by the "you didn't say I was hot?" line, just because I laughed in both places and that was nice, instead of squinting at the screen for 40 minutes going, "Really? Really?"

That was a lot of words to basically be like, "…no?"

I'm looking forward to TV coming back though! I'm super excited for Up All Night, possibly the most, because a.) baby girl. and b.) Will Arnett and Maya Rudolph and Christina Applegate and the trailers look amazing and it's how I felt before Community first premiered way back when and look how that turned out!

(Except for how Community is now sort of near the bottom of my shows I'm excited about returning? But it's something I'm cautiously hopeful about. I just don't want to go into being like THIS SEASON IS GOING TO BLOW MY MIND and then it doesn't. But if I go in and I'm like, "I will probably feel just lukewarm about this" and then it's great, like it could be, it's going to be the best kind of surprise. I guess I'm hedging my bets, would be how to put it. This is something I do with food, too. I'm like, oh, this cookie will taste all right and then it's the greatest fucking cookie to ever enter my mouth and it's that much more amazing.)

I have a lot of TV thoughts actually! Now that I'm thinking about them, I should probably put together a separate post. Maybe I will do that! Or maybe I will just think them and then when the shows premiere and something doesn't go my way, I'll be like, "YOU GUYS THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I WAS AFRAID OF!" and everyone will be like, "How the hell were we supposed to know that?" And I'll be like, "I'm going to eat a mediocre cookie now."

Here is some pregnancy stuff and apparently the only three pictures that are new since my last post? I don't know.

We have been slowly assembling all the baby stuff to make sure it works/fits/is all there/whatever. We got the stroller/car seat on Friday from my work, like I thought we would, which was AWESOME. We actually haven't put that together yet, but that was a super generous gift and I'm kind of overwhelmed and I'm going to bring in thank you donuts or something, I just have to remember to do it. Anyway, here is Al trying on the carrier.

I think he looks tired, I think I look tired and I think that doesn't bode super well for the face that we haven't even had a kid yet.

Flynn's going to be like a month old when Halloween rolls around, and most of the stores we saw only had like one or two of the tiny costumes, so we figured we better buy early. We bought her this dragon costume.

LOOK AT THAT BABY. JUST. IT'S A DRAGON. WHAT. I'm already delighted to put her in that costume and sing Flynn the Magic Dragon and somehow find a way to blow smoke from behind her and then make Al look at it 40 times.

And this is actually not a baby, it's DJ, who is 17 and a high school senior now and my mom still dragged him out to the front door for the ceremonial First Day of School picture and I thought that was adorable:

Other baby/life stuff is that we had an appointment today to check to make sure everything is good, because we're on weekly appointments now since it's so close and also because Disneyland is this weekend and she checked my like -- my stuff, or whatever (I know what she checked and I know what it's called but I don't feel like I need to be like "SCIENTIFIC NAME FOR LADY BITS") to make sure it was still OK that I go and so she checked and was like, "Oh! You're progressing! -- DON'T HAVE SEX IN DISNEYLAND. -- Just, wait until you get home. DON'T HAVE SEX THERE." Which was the weirdest thing a doctor has ever told me, hands down. And Al, that fucking kid, had already read in the books about sex potentially triggering labor and then she said this and I'm pretty sure he basically wants to build a pillow wall down the middle of the bed now. So that's exciting.

That said, they measured on the ultrasound today, and she's already six pounds, which is basically baby size, so in the event that something happens and I …"progress" further, we should be OK. The doctor also said she doesn't think I'm going to make it to my due date (Sept. 26) and may not even make it to my last day of work before maternity leave (Sept. 16).

Blah blah blah baby stuff, don't have sex in Disneyland, the end.
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