Week 44: Prayer: Winners

Aug 26, 2007 22:26

Not so good a voting turnout, guys; let's pull for more next time. :3 But in any case, the winners are...

First Place:


Second Place:

strifesword713 (wut. XD)

Third Place:


Best Use of Text:


Mod's Choice:

dragonphoenix77 (The bright, yet simple style and Shelke's pose combine to make a nice, image-expressed prayer theme.)

Banners go to
chaoticchicken. A reminder to 
morilorin(week 41), 
cherryxsake(week 42) and 
silver_ronin(week 43) that you still have banners. :3

Also, please do not forget to SUBMIT HERE for Week 45, Villains, no entries are in as of yet.

week 44, winners

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