This week is the Villains' chance to shine. Which means; icon any bad guy, bad girl, or entity that's on the bad side that you want. (I'll count Omega.) Random DG Soldiers, the Tsviets, anything. And if you're going to use Shelke, it has to be before she joins the good side.
Image resources are in the sidebar, if needed.
1. You must be a
member to enter.
2. Your icon must be at most 100x100 pixels and 40KBs and one of the following formats: .PNG, .JPG, or .GIF.
3. Stay within the given theme.
4. There is no need for any type of sexual content and no harsh language.
5. Do not display your icon until the winners for the challenges are announced.
6. Do not use fanart, official artwork and images/screen images (etc.) from the game only.
7. Do not use images from Advent Children, this is a Dirge of Cerberus icontest community.
8. You are allowed to make two icons for each challenge.
9. You are allowed to use textures and brushes.
10. Your icon cannot have participated in other icontests. Must be made for this particular challenge.
Please submit your icons as the example shows. deadline is Friday, August 31st, 20:00 EST. Or before voting is up. Either way.