Mar 12, 2007 16:12
WOW. It's been quite the while since I've updated this thing, neh?
I guess it's true - I really DO only update this during Con season. XD Anyway, I've gotta head off to work in like, 45 minutes, but *shrug* s'all good.
So, I-Con a week from Friday. SO excited. <3! Jacki, Britt, (maybe) Joe, and I are going to be dressing as our blood elf characters on WoW.
..Oh, yeah. I started playing WoW the day after the Super Bowl. e_e It's... really addicting. It's the main reason I've been scarse online. >_> I was originally planning on re-doing Dark Link, and Jacki Link, but I'm... pretty much poor.
Worked at Utopia for two months. Quit and went back to Gamestop. What's that mean? Back to bi-weekly pay rate. >< Ah, well, atleast it's worth it. *Le sigh* Anyway, I'm excited.
:D <3
More updates when we get closer to the Con. <3