
Jul 26, 2006 19:08

I was going to sell my tank because I'll be living in NYC for the next year and it didn't seem fair that I wouldn't be around to take care of it, but instead I bought new fish today :-p I've decided that when I finally get my own place, I'll just throw everything in giant buckets and move it (and by "I'll," I of course mean "the movers"). So I got a couple more green chromis to add to my school and a very beautiful little striped thing called a clown tang.

I have a whole bunch of tiny, tiny little orange flappy things growing on a rock. I'd suspect they're baby mushrooms, but they're sort of rectangular. Plus, where the heck did they come from? This is one of the true pleasures of a mature reef tank: things just suddenly spring up out of nowhere that were probably growing inside some piece of live rock for three years before they come out into open view. Check back in six months to see what the orange flappy things are--hopefully by then I'll have an answer!

I've also discovered that you could probably take any random six square inches of my tank and find at least two itsy bitsy baby featherdusters. Nifty. And many of my corals have finally propogated well enough that I'm actually gonna bring frags back into the aquarium store for trades.

On an entirely different topic, last night I finished what I hope will be the last and final (for real this time!) edit on my book. I mean . . . "finished." In that I still need to deal with the first 50 pages, which I haven't yet, and also in that I did a serious retooling of one scene (that involved deleting three entire pages of text in order to make the whole thing from Thom's perspective, rather than from Eva's and Thom's, so that I could have a nifty reveal in the next chapter) that I'm not yet sure I like. I'm worried that some crucial information might have gotten chopped in the process, and I'm too close to it to tell. Gotta pass it off to Charlie. Still, I'm excited. Soon I will put it on my publisher's desk and see if maybe he'll buy it. It's fairly well in line with the Thunder's Mouth imprint, but they do so little fiction . . . and besides, how do you ask your boss to take a look at your own stuff? It feels so tacky.
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