I'm going to stuff this post full of links I've found... things to do with the boys that I think they would enjoy. Some are experiments, some are crafts, some are way more complicated than I think I can really do, but I love a good challenge. If you're interested at all, you may want to add to memories because I'm just going to keep adding here
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Now let me figure out from that date how pregnant I was with him. I had him early... I think around 37w5 days... but my water broke on it's own, everything, so I was ready! Sorry this is taken me so much to answer. I guess I could have put it all in ONE response, but this is much more fun. ;)
Do you have an acupuncturist? Make sure Robert goes with you so that he can learn the method to do once you're at home. How's your amniotic fluid level? Mine was getting low and they tried scaring e with THAT, too, so I just hung out with this guy who was more interested in practicing a little voodoo (okay, not really, it just felt like that). Damn, I am babbling. You can tell I do not get enough opportunities to talk to adults, yes/yes? ;) Back in a few with more numbers!
Did you have an ultrasound first to check his position? I wonder if there is any harm/risk in doing it if baby is already head down.
I do have an acupuncturist, and I haven't really had my amniotic fluid level checked. That was in issue last time for me, too. I'm working with midwives this time instead of an OB so things are different. Better.
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