Nov 22, 2006 12:56
Happy Turkey Day.
So today i misplaced my debit card. I called the Bank and hotcarded it just in case so im less worried now but it still kinda sucks. Im being positive about it though. Everything happens for a reason right?
I opened up a Bank Of America account the other day too. My money is split up now and im putting alot away for the big move to NYC.
I'v also been doing alot of reading lately. I get out of work usually at 2 pm and i go to the Prudential Center downtown and hit up Borders and i usually pick 3 books and finish them before call for Bubbly at 6. I'v read alot of plays, some gay erotica, some holocost horror stories, and iv been reading alot on Kabbalah too.
Its kind of changed my life to be honest. Iv started seeing alot of things in a new light. I'm seeing how important my relationships are. How important every moment and every second on each day is. How every uncomfortable situation and person in my life is there for a reason to teach me and help me grow into the person i always was but forgot to be. I'm constantly happy. I don't get aggravated anymore when someone yells at me, takes attention from me, or smells funny or laughs weird or annoys me. I'm learning to treat everyone with respect as my equal - and its paying off alot. I feel so much better about everything i'm doing in my life.
The show is going well. I'm being challenged alot with the music and the acting and its really helping me grow as an actor.
I miss Joe. I havent seen him in almost 2 weeks. We're both really busy - we hardly have any time to call each other. It doesnt look like he'll be able to see my show but its okay - we're in this bussiness - so thats bound to happen sometimes i guess :(
I dunno what else is going on. Thankgiving is 2morrow. The fam is coming over and we'll all most likely eat and drink and be merry...and then fall dead asleep. Good times.
I guess thats all for now.