before I explain about the hand pain woes - check this out: it's not the real words, but phonetic dutch. The guy's actually singing about fixing his roof.
Now back to my hand. It started last Thursday when i got a pain in my hand, which had moved up my arm and caused numb fingers by Friday morn. I went to an Urgent care where the doctor took xrays, and after seeing that it was not broken gave me a splint, some pain meds, and told me to contact someone if it wasn't getting beter in 3-5 days (he thought it was a sprain)
My Monday the pain had moved to the wrist, but was still not getting better. In fact my palm was starting to go numb. I got into the doctor today. She wasn't sure if it was capal tunnel, or something else, so she sent me to an othopedic surgeon. He is not sure if it's carpal tunnel or something else. He thinks that there may be two thing going on.
I'm getting an EMG on Friday, an MRI on Tuesday, and the doctor should get the results 2 weeks from today.
BUTTTTTTTTTTTTTt Ileave you with another laugh - this time a phonetic Indian video. I hope that english sounds this funny to non-speakers!