Dec 20, 2002 15:46
Begin rant:
Well, finals are over. I think I did alright in general. I bombed my electronics final, but that's alright, didn't really care as much about that class anyway. The orbital final had an incomplete question that the teacher (who is really an excellent professor, one of the best I have ever had, but this was a little quirky) kept giving more and more information until we could finally solve the problem, and then changed that information every 3 minutes until the end of the test. Most of us finished the first 9/10 of the test in about 50 minutes and worked on that problem until 10 minutes after the bell rang. I did manage to finish the problem, but only barely. Flight didn’t have a final, but only a final project, which had 2 parts. I probably spent about 36 - 48 hours on each part. I know I got 96/100 on the first, but don’t know about the second. Each part was roughly 14 - 16 pages when complete, with a spreadsheet that had 10 - 12 full worksheets. The orbital group projected ended up being 35 pages with a 20 - 25 worksheet excel doc. Whew! Glad all that is over with.
Next quarter we are taking: Computer Tools, Aerodynamics, Structures and Vibrations and Junior Lab. 16 credits total. It is supposed to be the most difficult quarter of the next two years. Aero used to be a fall quarter class, but it was causing roughly 15% of each class to drop out, so they moved it to Winter quarter. I guess they figured that it wouldn’t cause so many drop outs if everyone had already completed a quarter. Guess we’ll find out.
Currently I’m in my post quarter depression. It happens every quarter like clock work. I really haven’t figured it out yet, though I do have a few possibilities:
1) I’m a workaholic. I work 50 - 70 hours a week during the school year. During break there just isn’t a much ‘work’ to do and it bums me out after my mind has been so occupied for so long.
2) I’m really always depressed. During the school year I’m just too busy/tired/overworked to realize it.
3) I miss everyone from school. This quarter at least, I have made a number of friends at school, which hasn’t happened in a number of years. Now that we’re out of school, most of them have run off to other countries/states and won’t be back again until school starts back up. This would only explain this quarter though.
4) School is my life. It really is. Everything during the quarter revolves around classes now that I am in a structured department. Taking Winter break is like taking a break from life. However, this again only explains the quarter.
5) I’m just weird like that.
Anyway, whatever the reason, the fact remains. To further complicate things, I still don’t have any time. I haven’t seen most of my non-engineering friends and it doesn’t look like time will present itself. I’ve only barely started my Christmas shopping and really don’t know what to get anybody.
Part of I think is that I need to get a life. Currently, Life = Engineering. That is the entire equation (see? Even my analogies include math symbols). I don’t really hang out with friends anymore, and when I do, I feel like they all have a lot of interesting stories to tell and all I have to talk about is my last test, or my research project, or work, or what the department is like. I feel more than a small bit boring. Also, in order to be ‘friends’, you usually have to get together and do something at least once in a while. I never see anybody because I am do busy. I feel bad. I know people ask me to come over and do stuff, but I always have something going. It feels like even my really close friends are drifting away. When I’m done I will end up with big long list of acquaintances, but nobody that I really know or who really knows me. My life right now feels like one of those big glamorous houses, only when you go inside is completely empty and unfinished. I’m not sure how to change anything at this point. School has been number 1 on my priority list since, I don’t know, preschool? And honestly, I really love what I am doing there as well and it wouldn’t be the same if I weren’t giving it 110%, that’s just how I am. I can’t stop working because I have to afford to live. I don’t know what can be moved. Sleep is already too low on the list.
Anyway, enough feeling sorry for myself. This whole depression thing should blow over in another couple days and I’ll be back to my good old cheerful, absent self. :P
End rant.