My Novel, the Weather, and general Happiness

Nov 09, 2010 20:34

So, week two on NaNoWriMo is well known to be the hardest part. You're not quite halfway. You're past the first rush of excitement over starting. You're probably tired and sick of drinking massive amounts of caffeine, and wishing your wrists didn't hurt, and generally over being a writer. And, the past three days, that is exactly how I've been feeling. And writing has been like pulling teeth. I haven't even been making 2,000 words a day.

And then, today, I woke up, and all of the words that had just been missing were back, and I could write again. And I am so excited about it. I am feeling so happy just to be a writer again, and I think I am going to spend tomorrow at a coffee shop, pounding out words. Because I'm back in a place where I can do that.

On a similar note, GOD, AM I LOVING THIS WEATHER. Fall is my favorite season, cloudy and gray my favorite color for the sky, and rain, or slush, or snow, my favorite type of weather. So I'm very happy that it is finally like that. I like the cold, I like it when it is calm and wet and gray. Mostly, I've come to realize, because I have so much anxiety, that when it is sunny and everyone is happy, there is too much energy bouncing around me, but when it is cold and everyone is quiet, I finally can calm down a little, and just be happy.

And, additionally, I am very happy in general today. The last five days have been really bad with anxiety, but I'm feeling a lot better today. Like... if on a scale of one to ten, with one being a normal person's base anxiety level, and ten being a panic attack, my normal base is at like, four-ish, and the last few days I've been at a constant six or higher, and today I'm down to like, probably a two or a three. And that makes me insanely happy.

That's all!


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