Jun 19, 2016 22:57
A week after the Orlando shooting and I'm wondering if they will find out that this piece of garbage was killing gay people that he may have met. If he did have some kind of deep seeded anti gay/am I gay thing goin on in his warped brain, I'm just thinking he may have tried to hook up with someone, then either backed out or just to make sure no one found out, killed the person he hooked up with. This guy sounds like a real sicko the way he did things, so I have to wonder what else will come out about his previous exploits. Like the people who start as serial killers by killing animals. It makes me wonder.
The Republicans are just getting a taste of what it's like to be behind Donald. Like being on a ten speed bike, you can backpedle all you want, but the brakes dont work. You're in it for the ride. Have fun guys.