Sep 27, 2014 22:11
ug... a half a million chanels and I have no clue how to find anything. Somewhere there is Netflix, but since the kid took the Wii out, I have no idea how to access it. I could try to find a DVD, maybe that's what I'll do. I think I still know how to do that.
A ha! The Big Chill. That will do. (15th anniversary edition.... cripes.. how old is this movie now? Oh I feel old again, and this isn't even a 'my generation' movie)
Dreams have been wild lately. But elusive. Really should keep that notepad by the bed.
I heard it throgh the grapevine... good stuff!
We finally caught up with the last season of the Walking Dead. I may have mentioned this. Not posting regularly leaves gaps in my memory. Maybe someone will point this out when I get bad.. early onset something or other. Anyway... The show that I really didn't want to watch becasue I'm so averse to zombies and 'gotcha' moments in movies.. I now love. I mean really love. The writing, the characters, the plot, the TENSION! that makes me litterally thrum with adrenaline as I watch. I have to take big deep breaths from time to time to try to relax as we watch. Yet I cant get enough. So I'm watching it again. Or at least the first season. I think I kind of half paid attention to it in the first season, maybe even the second. I recall things that happened, but dont' at all recall how they happened or what the time frame was and so on. So I'm going to refresh. And its funny how the 'world' of the WD has changed. The first episode they are unconcerned about going into a house without checking it out.. now that's standared operating procedure. The zombies are fast in the beginning.. they can go up stairs.... climb.... thigns that they dont seem able to now. And the kid in the show.. he's such a KID! So that's my amusement.
Also catching up on the new season of Boardwalk Empires. Last season. I'm hoping they have an offshoot show.. one about Al Capone. ;)
Ryther is off at a batchelor party today/tonight. Pig roast then the strip club. Is it me or is the idea of a bunch of men getting all horney with each other creepy as all get out? I mean.. eww!
My step father is in the hospital. Second time in 2 weeks. Heart issues. Cripes, he gets his knee done and that works out okay, but now he's got issues with D Fib or B Fib or don't tell a fib.. He's in the hospital now until they get it straitened out. I hope they do. It would really suck if he got the knee done and didn't get to enjoy it.
All my jelly is done.
I made lamajune (Armenian pizza) for the first time. Came out well. Will do again. Made stuffed peppers too. It's nice not to have to make mac and cheese with every meal for a certain someone.
Speaking of which... I asked Himslef (on IM) how he was doing and he said Good.. then corrected it to Great. These one word answers are killing me. But I guess those are good words at least. I wonder how his grades are?
Okay... that's it for the moment.
I should post something about the dang world war situation and ebola epidemic.. but I'll save it for another time.