Happy easter

Apr 20, 2014 22:59

Not a lot to write about. Sorry to hear Quirkytizzy's tooth issues. That sucks. I cant imagine what life was like before modern dentistry.

Went to the BIL's house today for an okay if very non traditional Easter. When we were told that we could bring sides for hamburgers… well, I knew it wasn't going to be the usual fair, or maybe it was the usual faire. I brought potato salad and some pasta salad. Thankfully I didn't make roasted potatoes, a lighter faire instead of the mayo ridden potato salad, because they served their version of roasted potatoes, which basically is tiny potato cubes from the bag, and French fries as well. Sigh….  Strange. But it was fairly uncomplicated. His MIL was there, and parents, and the sister … you remember her.. the one that tends to corner you and talk your ear off. While there was the usual competition to speak and not be heard, at least it wasn't too crowded. Sadly since the FIL died this past year, his MIL was perpetually tangenting to totally out of the blue things that had to do with his sickening and death. She seemed a bit confused. Otherwise it wasn't too bad a day.

I've been having strange dreams lately, but I cant really recall much of them. I just know they have been interesting. Must be the cool weather.

I was doing so well going down on weight, and then Friday totally blew it, and I expect the same today, even though really I have not eaten much at all. That's the weird thing. Looking at what I ate its like WTF??? And we walked Sat… I don't get it at all. And I'm sitting here watching some damn food program, and my stomach is churning wanting food. UG.

Watching GOT… squeeeee! lol Also Mad Men again… can it get any better?

We watched the movie about fracking with Matt Damon in it. I cannot recall the name and I already asked hubs once so I am just going to say it was a good movie. Not the documentary thing I expected. I really like Matt Damon. He can be really serious, but also very funny. He's just got very natural talent. IMHO.

Anyway. Marathon Monday tomorrow. Patriots Day. I think I'm going to go to work and fork up leaves for half a day anyway. Speaking of dentists, the lad needs to go to the dentist tomorrow and get checked. He's going to have his wisdom teeth out some time after graduation. I'd rather he not have to, but I didn't get mine out, and I am suffering the affects of it now. If we can avoid that for him… well just one more thing he can be ungrateful for later on.

Spooky just stuck his nose in my bowl with the balsamic vinaigrette that I had put on my carrot sticks… ooopsie.. lol. I guess that was a mistake. He's smacking his lips now with regret.

movies, alternative energy, tv, healthcare, food, cats, holidays, himself, teeth, family

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