Aug 05, 2012 21:52
So neither of my paintings won anything at the art show. Not unexpected. I was really disappointed at some of the winners. I know part of it is who you know, and who the judge is. But I saw one AMAZING drawing in color that should have won if not first prize, at least one of the two top prizes. Nothing. Not even hon. mention. And when you look at what won for first, it's like... um.. this one blows that out of the water. I actually just had to find the guy on FB and tell him that.
My MIL won two prizes in sculpture, but that is kind of a given since there are so few entries, the odds are in her favor to win something at least. Not to diss her or anything, its just a fact. If I wanted ribbons, I'd go back to sculpting I think. lol
My kitten is climbing the clothes rack that I am trying to dry clothes on. She thinks she's a trapees artist or something. It's pretty funny. But for the fallen clothes. She really does have indoor cat syndrome.
I am so very sick of this humidity and heat. I know we are luckier than many in the US, and we have been getting rain in dribs and drabs so we are not totally in a drought here, but it's just so gross. I was enjoying that mild weather we had last week, and this week is just another drain. I wonder if our winter will once again be a winterless winter. It's a bit scary to think about.