The great cool down

Jun 24, 2012 22:20

The raging heat has been driven out by the cold front yesterday, finally ending the sweltering heat and humidity. Although not as bad as last July, still gross. Weather is really nice summery now. Did three loads of laundry today and they all dried.

I've noticed some of my Mums are out already. Many are forming buds, and some are in full flower. Again another symptom of the year without a winter.

I bought a very large bucket to put some kind of garden stuff into in the sun but have to get some dirt from the cemetery to fill it. Then I'll top it with my compost. I'm running short of it but can't sift out any more because I have potatoes growing in the compost pile. Ooops. Nothing in my garden is doing well excel the potatoes and the lettuce, or some of the lettuce. Some is getting rotty, others are doing great. No beans seem to have survived, and the squash and sweet potatoes seem stagnant. I should however have an enormous crop of grapes, so jam should be plentiful this year.

My mother was down for the weekend. We did some yard sales and ate... visited my brother... and ate. I was thinking today that my grandmother died at 84, and my mother is just a bit more than 10 years younger than that. So I may have 10 more years of her here... if I'm lucky and she is. Maybe more I suppose. But that's 10 years my brother will squander away.. not making the time to visit once in a while... Sad.

And my brother just learned he has a hernia. Now he needs to find a doctor to deal with it. I told him to call the guy I know who just had it done.. I hope he will. They both have a mutual friend so maybe that will get him to do something. I also noted on the list of doctors they gave him was the doctor who did my father's surgery. My brother crossed that name off right away. Bad Karma he said.

Mrs. Moose has taken her daughter to NJ to try out for American Idol. That was supposed to happen on Sat, and she's posted nothing since then so I assume things didn't go well. Oh well. At least there is always that military career she planned on.. or was that her mother's plan.. like her mother who's had her engaged to two boys already. I guess at least she will be able to also say, like her mother, that she refused several proposals before marrying. She has her 14 year old son practically engaged too. *eye roll*.

I did a watercolor of a house in the 'hood' for a moving gift for one of the longtime neighbors. My neighbor actually asked me to do it. It was a good idea. I like how it came out mostly, but I misjudged the size, and it's not a standard mat size so I had to cut the damn thing bigger. Freehand. It's not great, but it will do. If I have some time tomorrow and I can find a human I'm going to see if Michaels can cut a matt for a reasonable price. I really want a matt cutter that works. I should check that out on Amazon.

We went to see Brave today. Cute. It was fun, but not OMG wonderful. Nice animation though. Good kids movie, although I liked Mulan better.

Oh and lastly, my mother was telling me about her SIL's son. Her SIL is dead, but she has three children. One is a total waste, been in and out of prison, has leached off everyone he knows, stolen from all of them too. He went to visit his brother in NH (I don't know why) and had a fight with his SIL and got booted, so he went to visit another cousin, ended up doing drugs with him, and he died of an overdose. Then this POC left, called his brother to see what he should do. His brother told him to call 911. They don't know where the guy is now. So creepy. And sad. I remember him as a kid. What a waste. And his sister is a doctor.. Go figure.

movies, sick, painting, neighbor, heat, art, family

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