Fresh from the Oven.

Sep 18, 2011 22:19

Just finished a batch of Chock chip cookies. It's a store bought batch, just add egg and butter. But that's okay cause they taste yummy. And the oven helps to warm up the house a bit. It's 54' out now at almost 10 pm.

It was a nice weekend. Pulled in my carrots, all one dozen edible ones. Longest was a whopping 6 inches. (yeah yeah yeah) and the rest were 3 to 4. They made a meal for all three of us. I was afraid they would be bitter, since they had a bit too much earthy flavor raw, but they were so sweet when cooked. Yum! Also had my own potatoes with the meal. Roasted the little babies and some cut up big ones. Those were very yummy too. I harvested my container potatoes today, and was rather disappointed with the haul. No where near what I expected and only a few good sized taters. I did better from my shade garden. I'll have to work on that next year. Perhaps the ground wasn't fluffy enough? The dirt that came out was certainly rich. Worms were working overtime.

I didn't do my jelly just yet, although I did boil down the grapes to make the juice that I will use. I need to get smaller jars. I thought I had half pints, but I only have pints, and thats a bit too big for my jelly, esp. since I want to give some to my cuz to try. I actually still have some from last year that I never used. I just don't use that much grape jelly.

So Ikea sent me a catalog, and it's all about 'a home doesn't have to be big, just smart'. So they pretend to offer you fantastic looking organizing items to make such clever use out of your tiny space. Yet in every single picture, they show a room crammed with fantastic looking stuff, but the ceilings in the rooms are 10 to 12 feet high, and every inch of that space is used. So yeah, the space is small in some regards, but huge in others. I don't have 10 foot ceilings in my house I can tell you. I'd love to have two extra shelves over my existing kitchen cabinets, but it ain't there folks. Don't patronize me Ikea. Please.

I also sent the check in for the first half of the payment on the roof of my brother's house (my other house). It will be nice to get that done. The next major project for his house should be re-doing his bathroom, which is a disaster in the tub area. Years of taping tiles back onto the wall rather than re-grouting or anything. For the last three years the tiles have been plasticked off to keep any more moisture from getting to them, but there are still other issues. Again, a one bathroom home sucks. I would love for my brother to stay at his girlfriends for a few days and we could rip it all out and re-do it, but he won't. sigh. And once it's pulled apart, we really need a plumber to re-do the faucets and such. They drip all the time, Time for an updated shower.

So in the news, I see that West Bridgewater wants to maybe put in a solar farm. The company that they are going to buy the solar panels from is in Chicago I think. But of course I want to know, where are those solar panels coming from? Shouldn't they be bought from a US based solar panel company? But you know they aren't. Which is of course why two solar panels that took taxpayer money have now gone belly up. This just doesn't work guys.

Also in the news, the Nay has cleared the record of a gay WW2 serviceman. Yeah, they had gay solders even back then. OMG! I'm glad to read this, but at the same time, it's sad to think of all the servicemen and women who put their lives on the line, did their duty to their country, but couldn't get any of the benefits that other servicemen did. Disgusting.

On the science front, there was something about a wireless patch, something that looked like a tattoo, that might be used in the near future for monitoring patients vitals. Medicine is getting so bizarre and sci fi, but at the same time, it seems like things like cancer are just not getting cured at the rate they are developing, and that things like autism are growing far faster than any cure or discovery of a definitive cause. And while things are being discovered and developed, there are fewer and fewer it seems who will have any hope of being able to pay for this new wonders.

And lastly, a grizzly bear killed a hunter in the remote wilderness of Montana. His buddy then shot the grizzly. It was not known if the other hunter was going to be charged with killing the bear, which is a crime. Ummmm, unless they can prove the hunters were specifically hunting grizzly, I would assume that it's self defense. I mean, if this was Yellowstone, they'd catch the bear and kill it anyway. so go figure.

My step father met with his surgeon on Thursday. He's scheduled for the operation mid October. His doctor thinks he may have already had a heart attack and not known it. Seems likely to me. Hopefully my mother will get through her thing and he will get through his without incident. My mother said her BP has been up and down again. She just takes an extra half pill, but it worries me. I hope this thing they do does the trick. Too much for them to be running up and down to Boston from NH . But at least their insurance is fantastic. Thank you state of NH!

gay rights, money, home improvements, military, animals, food, gardening, sick, nature

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