Mar 03, 2011 22:46
I disagree with the Supreme Court on the Westboro Nutball sleezes case. Yes you have the right to freedom of speech, but it's a tempered freedom, as we know you cannot yell fire in a crowded theater. Likewise I do not think that your freedoms are more important than my freedoms. You have every right to protest, but you don't have a right to inflict your crap on a grieving family, which has absolutely NOTHING in the whole wide world to do with you and your fanatical crap. If some loony was just standing there screaming obscenities, on any street corner, no funeral needed, he would be arrested for disturbing the peace. Why isn't HIS vile oral crap freedom of speech? Well, cause it's annoying the hell out of normal people. That's exactly what these IDIOTS are doing at these funerals. They are mentally disturbed or brainwashed, and they have no right to harm someone else for their own gain. That's what they are there for, to inflict emotional harm to others. If they were just protesting gays, they would find a venue that was about gays. They would picked gay bars, gay weddings, the film industry, whatever. They aren't. They are picking on the most vulnerable people at the most vulnerable time. To inflict emotional harm. So Why Cant they be sued?
OJ Simpson was NOT convicted of killing his ex-wife and her friend, yet the court allowed the family of the guy who was murdered to SUE OJ for millions. And they won. HOW? The man didn't do anything wrong? Now, if a man who did not kill someone has to pay money to the family of a murdered man, then why in the hell can't a person sue a group who deliberately target grieving families for infliction of emotional damage? I don't get it. And I dearly hope the WBC targets the families of the Supreme Court from now on. They surely deserve it.