Feb 11, 2011 21:47
I just want to report that I've seen signs of life. The snow has melted away from the house and I see crocus leaves popping up. Of course that also means we are going to get shit on again, as that always happens.
I love having the birds so close by putting the feeder on the porch, esp. the chickadees who hang from my as yet not taken down Christmas 'icicle' lights. They look so cute. But the squirrels being so close is not so good, nor is the fact that they are making an ever loving mess on my porch and I am going to have to vacuum it up.
I spent the morning chopping ice. over 2 inches on one road. It's fun to get it chopped, not sure why breaking ice is so fun, but even with the cleats I was slipping like crazy. I threw down some salt, maybe that will encourage it to go. I can see that the snow is melting, but it's just not fast enough for me. I want it all gone. It can snow again after that, but please just clear out the old stuff. There is still snow under there from the first storm!
Ryther is still sick, and I feel like something is creeping into my chest. Slowly...
I've caught up on a lot of paperwork this winter. I have a bit more to do, but it's nice to get things cleaned up and cleared up. I can't believe some of the stuff I let slip. I don't like doing that at all. I blame Biv.
I guess Hawaii might be about to approve Civil Unions. Nice. But not good enough. Although I'll give them credit they were one of the first states to go for rights for homosexual couples. Way back when. I'm always so proud of MA for being the first state to allow gay couples to be married, not just some second rate attempt at it. And it's a non issue here. That's what it's supposed to be. MYOB.
Yeah, I definitely have a cough.
gay marriage,