Jan 26, 2011 19:54
So Ryther is stuck down in VA, and he's stuck at the airport with no room in the hotels. He's going to try to find something further out, if he can get to it. He said there's about 4 inches of snow on the ground now. They canceled the flight, so he has to rebook. He may end up staying at the airport overnight. That will be great for his arthritis. Cripes, he's going to need the weekend to recover from this trip.
I think I'm going to go vege out on the couch.
I just have to note that I had a really really involved dream this morning about my old boyfriend. Except it wasn't him, it was someone else's body so to speak. I know the person, I think it's an actor, but I couldn't put my finger on it. That bugs me. But in the dream I was excited to see the guy, but only in a "wow, I haven't seen you in forever" kind of way. And for some reason he needed a drink, but we didn't have much to offer. I think he wanted Sprite or something and we didn't have it. He was kind of hyper too, not at all like the real person. Just an odd dream, that lasted for what seemed like an hour. Anyway, it was interesting. Although I've forgotten most of it now.
We've had about an inch of snow so far, but then it tapered off to sleet or just stopped. I guess it's supposed to get nasty later on. Himself is hoping for a snow day, but I don't know. They might just delay. First day of his new term. Chance to make some new friends in new classes. Let's hope.