Dec 02, 2010 21:50
It would be nice if the spelling check worked in the subject bar as well. Not sure why it doesn't. Anyway.
Spend today and yesterday picking up leaves with the front end loader. It's a lot easier to load the bucket than it is to life the leaves into the truck, and it also works to compress the load at the same time. It would be really nice if the leaves would flow into the bucket as I scrape the road, but they tend to just push along and bunch up, so I have to stop and pick up the accumulation, put it in the bucket, then dump them in the truck. It means getting in and out of the backhoe many many times. I also find that sometimes I push the wrong way, and there is a pain in my wrists. Old age is creeping up I guess. These pains go along nicely with my shoulder pain, and the numbness I wake up with in my left hand as something in my elbow cuts off circulation ever night. Sometimes the three left fingers, sometimes the index and thumb. My doctor said it's 'normal'. Great.
When my father was alive and we did this yearly ritual of leaf pick up, he would of course run the tractor and I would do the ground work of raking and packing. It worked out well, and we got a lot done fast it seems. By myself it goes slower. It goes, but slower.
Which brings me to Biv, day two of being 'sick'. She called promptly for her check though tonight. Which I assume means she won't be in tomorrow. And since if that makes three days, I wonder if she'll try to put in for unemployment. We'll see. She called and gave me her 'sick' voice, but my kid can do that so I give it no credit. She said it was the stomach bug. I'm sorry if I am sounding so callus, but I guess that's the moral of the story about the boy who cried wolf, now isn't it?
The other story that I forgot to mention is the Coffee News story. Over the summer she picked up a copy of this little one sheet 'newspaper' that was at the pizza place. It had three things hidden in the adds in the boarder, and if you could find the three, you could enter your name into a DRAWING for a $25.00 coupon. Well, she's been waiting and waiting to get her free coupon. Cant seem to understand why they didn't send it to her. Um.. because it was a drawing to be entered into the contest, and you didn't win. Duh! UG!
So I got diesel fuel today and had to wait for a Super Duty truck in front of me to fill up. I'm usually the only one at the diesel pump. I waited for what seemed like 10 minutes for the guy to fill up. The gas station attendant was looking at the pump like it was broken. When I got up in line after he left, I saw that he had put $103.00 in gas in his truck. The fuel was $3 something a gallon. What's that? Around 30 gallons of fuel??? Man. I hope he doesn't have to do that often.
We have another funeral for next week. I guess we may just have a very busy winter. That could be not so much fun.
I split my head yesterday. My clay head. Cut out the 'brain' and then we put the thing back together. The teacher's head didn't go so well, it split back open when it dried. Even he's not immune I guess. I hope mine stays together. I didn't find too many air pockets when I cut it open, which was good. I really thought there would be a lot with all the layers we kept adding.
And my pink lady went today. $50.00 (at a cost of @$200. to make). Not going to be earning my bread and butter this way, that's for sure. lol I guess I'll just 'let them eat cake' instead!