Bring back those hazy humid muggy days of summer.

Sep 24, 2010 21:10

Well, at least there was a breeze, but I did end up putting the ac on in the car and the truck today.
Biv took the day off, pre approved for a change. It was very nice, very relaxing. After discovering that I lost 5 lbs from giving blood (who knew?) I treated myself to McDonalds pancakes for breakfast (I LOVE their pancakes) and hash browns ( I LOVE their hash browns) before getting blocks to rebuild the little wall that we had done two days ago. I had used scavenged blocks the first time and it looked like crap, so today I got some new blocks to do it right. Well, righter. Without Biv there I could take the time to do what I wanted, without her 'input'.

So yeah, I gave blood yesterday. Impulse donation. The last time I gave was high school. I tried to give a few months ago, but they were too busy. This time they were just setting up, and although it took a bit longer than I wanted, it was within reason. Of course I was almost too low on iron to give. And my arm was sore as heck last night. I didn't recall that part. But five pounds? Hey, as they say "that was easy". lol
I've actually wanted to give since my father was getting his cancer treatments. He had to get a few blood transfusions in the time he was getting chemo and in the hospital later. It bugs me to give to the Red Cross, since ironically I've grown up with the stories of how terrible the Red Cross can be. My father would recount the stories of how when he was in the Army, the donated 'free' cigarettes were sold by the Red Cross to the troops and the woman selling them (candy stripper?) was making more than he was for pay. Also, the money they make on the blood bothers me. It's part of what I think should be reformed when they get real health care reform. But since there is no other organization that collects blood that I know of (monopoly) I guess there is really no other choice if you want to do some good. So I may go back and do it again. I'm sure that now that they have my name in the computer.... I may not have a choice.

I had a bizarre dream about my father the other morning. He hadn't been cremated yet (over a year dead) and while he wasn't really rotted, his skin was kind of gamey looking. He was also cut in half for some reason. He told me something but I cant recall what it was, although at the time I heard it clearly. When will someone invent the brain recorder? My brother also was in the dream, he had the coffin up in the air with some kind of crane, and it dropped right next to me. Yeah, weird.

Going to an art museum tomorrow with the 'gang' of artist from sculpting. Should be fun. They are a nice group of older people. My MIL is going too.

My brother told me that something was wrong with the oil burner. He thought that the tank had run out of oil (this is his/my house) and so he had the oil guy come by. It turns out it was something else, but while he was there, he told my brother that the leak in the boiler was fatal, and that we really should have the thing done soon. Like really soon. So now that's on the plate for work that needs to be done. So much for the roof right now. Although there may be a tax right off on it, I have to look it up to see what I can or cant deduct. Small consolation.

I have to mention that the oak trees are turning color already. They are starting to turn yellow. They are usually the last to turn, after the maples. Drought? Probably. Also, my tall phlox is STILL in bloom to some extent. It's BIZARRE! At home and at the cemetery.
I also think I can kiss my one winter squash goodbye. Too many 'bites' have been taken out of it.

stupidity, flowers, money, home improvements, food, gardening, trees, art, dreams

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