Pyramid schemes.

Nov 08, 2009 21:21

Yesterday I went to a 'jewelry party' down the street at my neighbors. Not that I need any jewelry, but what the heck, it was only four houses down the street. As it turned out, the woman who was doing the selling was someone I went to school with. She recognized me, I didn't recognize her. Not until she said something to me. She looked great. I guess the jewelry business is doing well by her.
Anyway, she did her shpeal, and I actually won the first 'game' and got a pin. Yay me. Then we looked at the beads and baubles and sold half the neighborhood... well, not really. But close. I bought two things, a ring and a necklace. The thing with this jewelry though, is that it's all made in China. Most of it is stuff I could make with a trip to Michael's or AC Moore's bead ilse, and the quality would be about the same. So when you think of all the give away stuff they do to get people to book parties, it's because they can well afford it. They are selling junk, and they probably pay pennies on the dollar for it, and sell it for way more than it's worth. It's pretty, but it's not too much above what Kohls sells. They do give a lifetime warranty, but of course they can afford to, they are making a killing on it. And it's a pyramid scheme on top of that, because they will then use all your connections to get more buyers. Thankfully, I don't know anyone, so I won't be having any parties. And I won't be going to any more of those jewelry parties either. I think that was enough for me.

We went to Gloucester today for lunch with Ryther's side of the family. It was very nice. Great restaurant on the almost water. I say that because we had a fine view of the fish processing pier. There were two fishing boats in the water that we went down to view, and lots of people fishing from the wharf. It was an amazingly warm day today for Nov. 8. 68 perhaps or more? We ate outside on deck. Lots of seafood was consumed.
One car at the dock had a bumper sticker that I found ironic. I was something like "Marine Fisheries Management, putting fishermen out of work since ()". All I can think of is if it weren't for some fishery regulators, there wouldn't be a fish left in the ocean by now, and there would be no fish left. If you doubt that, ask yourself what happened to the whales? I feel bad for fishermen who lose their lively hoods, and I'm sure that like most government agencies, they aren't run as well as they can be or should be. But without someone to say no, there would just be no more fish. Of course, they should be saying 'no' to the commercial fleets more often than the little private boats. Strip mining for fish seems like it should be illegal to me.

I worked on my sculpture a bit today. It's down to details now.

My cat's kidney's seem to be failing. She drinks tons of water and fills the litter box. And the other lizard is now blind it seems, which means she won't eat, although she still drinks. I tried to dampen her eyes to get what I thought might be her skin to shed, but she just went through a shed and still has gunk on her eyes. I don't dare poke too much to try to get anything off of them. No more lizards. I'll stick with mammals.

fish, money, china, parties, weather, art, food

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