Jul 19, 2009 20:59
I'm just spinning my wheels. I have no interest in doing much of anything. I took a non nap today for half an hour, and yesterday I stayed home from Harry Potter rather than feeling like my day was rushed. That was a nice break, although I would have liked to see the movie.
I think the drugs are doing a number on my father's brain. Even with cutting back on one of the narcotics, which seemed to be working at first, he's now much more muddled. I cut back a bit more tonight. I didn't realize one of his anti-nausea pills was actually also a pretty hefty narcotic type drug. So I gave him a bit over half instead of a whole pill and I decreased the liquid from 5mg to about 3mg. He seemed a bit better until I went to leave. He was sleeping but when I woke him to say I was going, he pops up and starts moving things around, for no real reason. I thought he was going to follow me down the stairs, but when I asked him where he was going he said he was going to turn around and go back to bed. I think he did that, as I waited downstairs for a bit to make sure there was no 'thump'. But I stayed late yesterday and had my brother come home early so that he wasn't alone in the house. It's not bad if he's asleep, but if he's wondering around, I don't know that he won't get into trouble. It won't be much more before one of us will have to be there all night once he gets his sleepy meds. I know he doesn't want any strangers in the house, but he may need a home health aid or something like that to visit him during the workday soon.
I think the Eskimos had the right idea.
Himself came over to see his grandfather. It was his own idea. He stayed for a few minutes but then took off. I don't blame him. He's got no connection to my father. That was my father's choice. More's the pitty, as his grandson is a very loving boy. Too bad he didn't know how to be a grandfather, and didn't want to learn.
Frank McCort died. I read Angela's Ashes a few years ago and enjoyed it. My aunt, who loves Ireland and reading wouldn't read his stuff. She'd had enough of drunk Irish stories.