So my single bedroom home has finally been recognized as a two bedroom, at least according to the guy who looked at it today for the refinance. Yeah, that room upstairs that runs the length of the house that my son resides in, yeah, that's now a bedroom. lol
Yesterday I took note that Monsanto sponsors Marketplace on NPR. So when a segment came on about better harvests, I assumed it was going to have something to do with bio-engineered crops or something. As it turned out, it was about hair. Yes, hair. Apparently hair mats made of real human (Chinese) hair actually virtually eliminate weeds and provide nutrients to the plants. They grow 30% larger, require no weeding or herbicides. The hair comes from China because in China, hair is a commodity. We just throw it out, but they sell it. It was actually really interesting. Yeah, gross in a way, but a lot less gross than eating "round up ready" cornflakes. The product is but good luck finding the word 'hair' anywhere.
With all the paperwork we got to sign to refinance, the bank sent us a copy of our credit report. Now, back a few years I did the whole 'send for your free credit report' thing. MA actually had a law where you could get a free copy once a year before it became a national thing, but anyway, I got a copy from two companies. No where on it could I find my credit score. This copy from the the bank had a credit score for every credit card, and loan, from each of the three big credit warehouses. So I go back and show my husband the older reports, and he finds on them where they say you have to pay to get the actual credit score. The report is free, you can check it and see that no one has used your name or made mistakes, but to actually know your score, you pay. I don't know if this changed with the federal law, but honestly, what a crock.
Some of the comments on our credit report, the bad things, are "too many inquiries last 12 months". When will these morons stop counting when credit card companies try to get you to get their card, or when airlines send you a thing to sign up for their card, as an 'inquiry'? Its the stupidest thing in the world. You credit is actually affected by junk mail. That's wonderful. Then there is "too many accounts with balances." Um, what does that mean? I pay the credit card off every month. What do they mean? "Length of time accounts have been established". Well, if they hadn't sold out my LL Bean credit card to some other bank, I'd still be with the same company I'd been with for about 8 or 10 years. That's not my fault. Again, so little real useful information about the kind of risk I am, it's no wonder the banks are so screwed up.
On "Here and Now" a WBUR NPR program, I just caught a bit about Mormon writers, and found out that the author of the Twilight series is a Mormon. I thought that was kind of funny, and I wish I had heard more of the story. But work got in the way. So I am listening to it now.