Mar 31, 2009 21:18
So I was just reading my Friends page, and the LJ powers that be posted something about a new beta for Friends pages that would automatically LJ cut at 140 characters. Her I am starting to fume, and I go to make a comment, and read a pile of "your a day early for April Fools" comments. So I am left to wonder, is this an April Fool's joke, or is it real?
I use Live "JOURNAL" because I like to write, and I like to read real entries. I also use Facebook, and I enjoy reading quick entries by people and posting quick short replies. But I don't want my LJ to become a Facebook, or a Twitter. And I don't want someone cutting what I read. I paid for this service (well, you guys did) because I like the format. I have in the past cut my own entries for the benefit of those who may not be interested, but for the most part, I figure if you bother reading this drivel, you don't need to have it split up for you, you can handle it, or you'd drop me from your Friends list. Or you'd just move to Twitter. So I'm really hoping this is a joke, or I will not be happy.
In other news, we had the annual meeting of the cemetery board tonight. It was good, no personality conflicts. That might be because my father wasn't there. Sad to say he can be very belligerent at these things. He's a control freak. He doesn't seem to understand that the cemetery was here before him, and will be here after him, and there is nothing he can do about it.
I also realize that last year I was voted a raise, and didn't take it because I totally didn't remember it. I fought it anyway, because a raise means that I have to cut hours to balance things out if the money isn't there. As long as I have a sugar daddy, I can do my virtual (meaning "sort of like" not "from the computer") volunteer work. And now I have to make sure there is money for my new helper, who isn't gainfully employed elsewhere and probably could use a bit of real money. But I bet she'll be happy when I give her a raise tomorrow.
I did get the proper tools for putting air into and checking the dual truck tires. They were all at 25lbs.apparently. I filled them, and today after the dig, for the first time in years, the truck tires were not nearly flat. They looked fine, like there was no load on. Thank god. Now if only the hole won't collapse. We might be low on falling water, but there is plenty in the ground I can tell you.
I got the Superintendent to fix our garage door today. Yesterday the key lock that puts the automatic door up was acting all flooey. There was obviously a bad connection in the wiring. I don't do wiring, although actually I am sure I could figure this out if I had time, but I don't. I had the Super, who has nothing better to do anyway, go get a new lock and he put it in this morning. Before his did, the lock was so screwed up, that I could push where the key went in and the door would go up, and then this morning the door started going up and down on it's own at random. It was pretty funny, just glad it didn't do it while I was putting the truck out.
Well, enough of this. Time to get ready for bed. I promised Ryther I would go for a walk in the morning, and I've been so tired and worn out that all I want to do is snooze in the am. So I'm going to bed early, if the DD coffee doesn't keep me up, which it strangely feels like it's doing. UG.