It's been a while since I whined at the internet

Apr 10, 2010 19:43

So while I was watching Bones during that completely retarded scene where the guy tells Sweets he just beat cancer and then DIES HORRIBLY IN A SURPRISE EARTHQUAKE OMG LOL I started considering what I would do if I suddenly found myself in a similarly ridiculous and contrived situation that made me have an existential crisis and question what I'm doing that's wasting my life and what I should do differently etc. And guess what? I couldn't think of anything. Like for real, there is not one thing that I would change about the way I'm living at the moment. (I mean that I could realistically do. If I could do anything I'd wish for a time machine and then destroy the space-time continuum by going to all my favorite historical eras and accidentally altering the future by stepping on cockroaches.)

This is bizarre because I don't usually think of myself as being a particularly happy person, but I'm actually pretty much okay with the way my life is right now. I mean, it's not amazing or anything but I don't feel like it's being wasted. I would prefer it if I was at a different college in a different city, and that I didn't (headdesk) LIVE WITH MY PARENTS, but the important thing is that I'm getting a good education and saving a shit ton of money. OH MY GOD GUYS I CAN READ ANCIENT GREEK. IT'S SO COOL.  And I may hate my job and be bored as fuck half the time, but I've already made plans to go have all kinds of adventures in the near future. Not to mention all the adventures I had last summer. So I have absolutely no fears that I will waste my life, at least not the next several years of it, if everything proceeds according to plan.

And in terms of getting the real "college experience" or whatever, well...I've gotten drunk and made out with other chicks several dozen times over the past year so I think that base is covered.

So yeah. I'm apparently satisfied with my life, at least for now. Who knew?

But about Bones...

Yeah I am so fucking pissed about the end of the last episode. I never knew I could muster so much rage over a het pairing, but yeah, I'M REALLY ANGRY. SO SO SO SO ANGRY. I LIKE THEM AS A COUPLE. THEY SHOULD BE TOGETHER. WAHHHHH!!!! Stupid show. I don't know if I can keep watching. Like, okay, they probably will get together eventually, like WHEN THE SHOW ENDS UGGHH, but I can't deal with any more UST. Especially now that the UST has been acknowledged. It'll be the most uncomfortably awkward, painful thing ever. NNNN. I think it's stupid that the writers have decided the show will no longer be interesting if they have sex or whatever. I THINK THEY ARE WIMPING OUT AND THEY SHOULD FUCKING MAKE IT INTERESTING. Also, the flashback episode made me so nostalgic for season one when Bones used to inappropriately beat the shit out of bad guys. Like that Columbian drug lord. She hasn't done anything like that in SO LONG. I MISS IT. BRING IT BACK.

As for Supernatural, I...don't even know what to say. The plot makes increasingly less and less sense, Sam keeps getting uglier and more annoying...and EW THE MISOGYNY IN THE LAST EPISODE, IT IS NOT ACCEPTABLE. When Dean was like, "So how do we go all pimp of Babylon on this bitch," I was like, ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS? Who the fuck thought that was a good idea? And then the whole "On good days you get to kill a whore" thing. LKJSDLFJSDLJFLKSDJ BAD BAD BAD UGGGGHHHH. I know the show has always been kind of sexist, but it's been getting SO MUCH worse. Back when there just weren't any female characters it wasn't nearly as bad. Also in the first two seasons the plot was actually coherent and the actors were hotter. And THERE WAS MORE INCESTUOUS SUBTEXT. Now the show is just a total piece of shit and the only reason I'm still watching is for the five minutes every episode where Castiel wanders in and says something hilarious like, "I found a liquor store...AND I DRANK IT."


Also, not that anyone I know watches Flashforward, but WHAT THE HELL NOW THE PREGNANT LESBIAN IS ACTUALLY EVIL? At first I was really upset because she's actually a really kickass female character except for the whole desperately-wanting-a-baby-for-no-really-good-reason-oooh-look-at how-women-are-controlled-by-their-hormones thing, and WHY IS SHE EVIL THAT'S RETARDED, but then I realized that maybe the whole baby thing was just an act to draw off suspicion and maybe she's just an awesomely evil lesbian? That might be better. Kind of. But I think I'm going to stop watching the show. It's pretty stupid.

I still haven't watched the last two episodes of Caprica. Ugh. I hate half the characters already and I've only seen ten eps. Sam is still awesome, as are Tamara and few others, but they are so underused. TOO MUCH FUCKING AMANDA.

In other news, LOVELESS. Mmmmmm, it's like crack. Tasty, tasty pedo crack. SO AMAZING.

my awkward life, fandom

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