I'm always up for a fun way to study a language. Being a certified English teacher myself I try to use interactive methods to teach. It just makes things more fun. I tend to bust out a Mr. Bean Cartoon every now and then and use it as a topic for conversation.
But when you are studying alone, interactive games that target your interests are really fun to use, and because they are fun, they tend to stick easier. So when I found the site Anime-Manga no Nihongo I loved it and I visit it when I can. I don't use it ALL the time, after all it is just a tool and you do need to work a little bit harder to really advance in a language. As I very well know... Which reminds me that I have to go over the new grammar we saw last lesson to be prepared for tomorrow's Japanese lesson.
I hope Eisai-san doesn't hit me this time (which he probably will, he is a good teacher though).
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Speaking of studying, the play I read for Politics and Drama, "Cloud Nine" was the weirdest freakin' thing I've ever read. I'm not even sure if I like it or not. I felt more comfortable with Samuel Beckett's Endgame.
Now on to Mill, that's right reading for Political Philosophy, let's see what Stuart has to say on "Justice".
I can't say I didn't expect to have so much reading to do when studying a major like Humanities, Society and Culture. Comes with the territory I guess.