into this morning light, finding the way...

Mar 10, 2008 08:08

...i'm always just getting by another day

And I'm back.  6 miles this morning, 26 degrees out. 1 hour flat.  (2 stretch stops at the 15 and 30).  I did the Olbrich/BB loop.  It was pretty icy and I was worried about slipping, but not icy enough for yaktrax.  My knees hurt a bit right now, I think from locking them or breaking strides to stay more stable on the ice.  It felt so damn good to be out running again, and it's supposed to warm up all week.  I'm hoping to start biking to school again very soon.  The half marathon is in a month, full in 2 months, and I'm going to have to train hard to get back to where I was before I got sick, but even if I don't PR in either of the races, I'll still feel good that I managed running and school.  I'm just not a speedy runner, and I've pretty much come to accept that.

Miles this week: 6.0
Miles in 2008: 96
Miles on the supernovas: 411
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