May 04, 2007 23:35
When the other founders and I started this club, it was supposed to serve as a place where we could talk about religion and chill.
and thats what it is.
but at the same time, I didn't expect so many people to be interested in it.
We've got something like 27 people coming to meetings! It's a lot of fun, if you don't come already you should!
What I really like about it, on a personal level, is the teaching aspect. My life goal is to teach about God; serve God; serve Mankind.
This club is essentially giving me a taste of that, and I really like it!
While I recognize I'm not the best teacher in the world, and I really don't "teach" persay at the club, but what we've established is a place where people talk about God and philosophy out of choice to do so.
Even though no one is specifically teaching, we're all learning, and we all teach.
i like that.
and even though we all don't agree on topics, we don't need to because in the end we all respect each other and go out to eat together.
Religion and Philosophy club is a nice way to start the weekend :)