Mar 10, 2010 12:16
So far so good. He's recovering well - today I'm going to put him under saddle and see how he goes. I think he's thin enough that I can use the dressage saddle again, so yay! He won't be jumping for at least two weeks anyway.
No new episodes, though he was still a touch lethargic on Monday. And what a suck he's been lately! Maybe it's because I've been spending so much time with him in the paddock and not in the arena. He's not interested in grooming and love when he's tied up inside, but outside he wants to be right there beside me.
He's looking forward to his medicine now. As I suspected, it was the process more than the taste that he hated, and add a few little treats to the process made him a happy camper. It only took one session of me dosing him, then giving him two little treats. The I crammed the empty syringe in his mouth and he totally accepted it. Two more treats. Cured.
He was wonderful for the barn owner the next day, same for me that evening. The benefits of a smart horse! It's also how I first introduced him to the clippers.
Me: "Can I clip your mane?"
Champ: "No way! Those clippers are loud and scary!"
Me: "How about if I hold them down here?"
Champ: "That's not so bad."
Me: "Treat?"
Champ: "Don't mind if I do!"
Me: "Can I bring them closer?"
Champ: "Okay..."
Me: "Sweet! Treat?"
Champ: "Yes!"
Me: "Can you lower your head and let me bend your ears as I hack your mane at the top of your head?"
Champ: "Sure, have a party. Do I get a treat after?"
Me: "You bet!"
Champ: "WIN."
I shit you not, that is EXACTLY how our conversation went.