H&R Blockhead finds a new level of stupidity

Jan 14, 2009 12:47

Last episode saw me raging about H&R Blockhead's notice that I still owed them back for my student tax credit refund as well as 24% interest while I called the government and found the root of the problem.

So. November 17th I went in to H&R Fuckup and threw down. Which was pretty hard, actually, because the woman at the desk had nothing to do with my situation and was most sympathetic and helpful. At some point one of the head honchos came in and was given the lowdown. He pretty much said TFB about the rejection of my refund and was unapologetic about the lack of knowledge that his employees had, and summarily dismissed their failure to deal with the rejection when it came in May. He did, however, agree that the fuckup was theirs and that they could waive the interest rates so that everything was square.

So the receptionist faxed out my letter to the Fairness Commitee and put a notice on my file that the matter was being looked into and NOT to put it through to a collections agency until we had heard back from the Fairness Commitee.

Fast forward to after New Year's. I still hadn't heard back from the Fairness Commitee, so I planned on sending them a fax. I went online to find the fax number again and to my surprise there was a 1-800 phone number. I called that, and though it turned out not to be the Surrey Tax Centre (which has absolutely NO public phone numbers) the lady I spoke with was most helpful. She found out more information about why my return was initially rejected and tracked down a record of my original fax. A file was opened for me on December 22nd. Yes! Now we're getting somewhere. She also said that I could expect a decision to be reached by the end of the month. She gave me another number to try, but that turned out to be a dead end.

She told me something else that put H&R Fucktards higher up on my Shitlist - I had 3 months to appeal directly the decision to deny my tax credits when it was first denied. 3 fucking months. Not only did H&R Assclowns not do anything at all, but they didn't even tell me about it.

*twitch* *twitch*

Okay, so I'm in the process of trying to communicate with the Surrey Tax Centre, but at least we're seeing progress. Then, on Saturday I get a call from - guess what? No really, guess. How else could H&R fuck with me?

Yup. It was a fucking collection agency. Not only did H&R Asshats go to collections despite the knowledge that I'm looking into solving the problem, but they didn't even have the cojones to call me and give me a chance to settle it before threatening my credit rating.

I was so mad that I flew into a rage of yelling and cursing at the woman. There was literally growling and snarling when I got so fucking pissed off that I couldn't even get actual words out of my mouth.

I calmed down a bit and let the woman, Mrs. Roberts (they don't give out their first names, and the prefix is an interesting psychological tidbit, but I digress), explain the situation. Then she in turn let me explain why I hadn't yet paid and why I was so upset with H&R Blowjob. She was surprisingly nice and very helpful! Over the course of this week we were in contact several times. She found out that because the case had carried on into the new year H&R Dillholes automatically went to collections. Apparently their phones don't work though - maybe they're so busy worrying about my 1000$ that they forgot to pay their own phonebill?

Her recommendation was that I settle out with H&R Cock, and get them out of the picture. I readily agreed to this. I told her the only reason why I hadn't before is because since it was their screwup they could sit and wait along with me until the matter was resolved. I fully intended on settling with them if the government decided to give me the shaft - it wasn't a matter of not wanting to pay them, but wanting to wait and see if I would NEED to pay them. But since they're being such douchebags about it I agreed to give them their pound of flesh and be done with them.

However, I told Mrs. Roberts that there is no way on this fucking planet that they were going to get their interest from me. She said that she would talk to H&R Dicklips and see if they would agree. I honestly hoped that they wouldn't so that I could go in and rage at them in person, but sadly, they agreed that I only had to pay the amount owed to the government.

So the cheque is in the mail, you donkey-raping dick whores! The best part is that in the end, H&R Asshats is the one that's out extra money, because they have to pay out the collection agency! Talk about shooting yourself in the foot!

I'm not through with them though, I'm sending in a complaint to the Better Business Bureau about this. Re-goddamned-diculous.

complete assholes, general crankiness

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