the jersey devil...

Jun 29, 2007 02:53

*sigh* very late last night--i happened across what looked like the beginnings of a movie...there was a car driving down a wooded road at night and it said "New Jersey 1947" at the bottom of the which point i snidely remarked to my sister "wouldnt it be great if the jersey devil jumped out and ate everyone in the car?"

well...turns out--the family got a blown the dad had to get out and change it--in the middle of the dark scary woods of new jersey...well--guess what--he got dragged into the woods and was found the next day half eaten...yeeeesssss

then the x-files theme i was excited...and let me tell you--it took them a good 10 minutes of the show to finally say the phrase "Jersey Devil"...once they did--i was in--i wanted to see what he looked like...

well, first of all...they were investigaing the case in the woods OUTSIDE OF ATLANTIC CITY!!! what the hell!?...everyone knows his stomping grounds are in the pinelands (off of route 72 after the circle on the way to LBI i believe--lol)....anyway...they're investigating the alleyways of atlantic city...i was pissed...but i figure "itll be worth it--once i see him"...well, there are drawings and accounts of a "man beast" sighted in the alleys...and at that point i decided "im going to be pissed if they crap out and make him a cave man"

well, he basically which point my brother yelled "thats total crap!! he looks like bigfoot's scrawy shrimpy younger brother who's hair hasnt completely come in yet!!"...and he was i was pissed--they made the jersey devil hang out in the alleys of atlantic city--as a whatever...thats not even the best part:

they finally track it down...and its not a caveman...its a caveWOMAN!!! WHAT THE HELL!!!! so--they kill her...and the autopsy reveals that she was just a regular 25-30year old woman...she wasnt even a caveman at all!! and apparantly she had just given brith...

so basically, x-files wants me to beileve that not only is the jersey devil NOT a devil...but its a caveman...or rather a cavewoman...who is really not a cavewoman...but just a "dirty chick" (as my brother put it)...who just gave birth to a little dirty boy...who is now supposed to be the new jersey devil...i mean caveman...i mean...regular dirty boy

screw you x-files...i dont care if this was the 5th episode of the 1st phoned it in--and i stayed up until 3am to see your depiction of the jersey devil:


in other news: congrats to scott stevens for making the hockey hall of fame...*sniff* so proud
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