Jan 03, 2011 23:43
I just discovered that my last update was four days before Alex was born. Does that show how busy life has become, or just how lazy about updating I've gotten?
SO MUCH has happened in the last six months I'm amazed I didn't pop on here for just a bit to update. Whatever, I guess I'm doing that now.
Alexander Johnathan Myers made his appearance a full week late, after an extraordinarily successful induction. Literally, they started it at 2:10 pm with just cervadil (my OB avoids Pitocin like the plague, thankfully) and Alex was born at 9:15 pm the same day.
He was 7lbs, 1 oz, and 20 inches long.
Almost six months later, my little wiggle worm has started to figure out crawling, standing, and is eating any and all solid food we introduce him to. He's up to 16 lbs 11 oz and 26.75 inches as of his 5 month birthday, and I'm already feeling teary eyed about how fast he's growing.
After Alex made his appearance, we celebrated our first anniversary, John's 28th birthday, and then had to get a new car when our old one crapped out. Like the family oriented yuppies we have become, we bought a new Dodge Journey and haven't looked back.
We had our annual Halloween Party in October, which I got sick at and Alex threw a temper tantrum at his Aunties, so we cut it (very) short. We spent Thanksgiving in Calgary, Christmas in Edmonton and New Years in Calgary.
SO yeah, now that this post resembles an annoying Christmas letter, I can actually get into what brought me back in the first place.
I have three goals for 2011. One personal, one professional, and one life goal.
Personal: I will get my drivers license before I go back to work in June. It is ridiculous that I am 28 years old and still can't operate a vehicle legally. In order to meet this goal, I need to: Arrange for another set of driving lessons. Practice, hopefully with someone who won't panic in my passenger's seat, and then be tested. This goal is waiting until the roads are clear, because the snow over ice is not ideal conditions to re-learn how to drive.
Professional: I want to complete two more courses towards my CIP. This means that at this time next year, I will be halfway there, with five classes under my belt.
I will take one class each in the summer and fall semesters of in-house courses, and if they are not offering them in-house any more, I will take them through NAIT or Grant MacEwan.
Life: I will buy my 10 year house this year. This will be a home I will be happy staying in for the next ten years. We aim to purchase this house in October or November of this year. In order to do this. we will need to finish saving our down payment after John finishes school in May.
There. There are my goals for this year. They are written down, so I can follow them. I don't make resolutions, because they usually manage to be broken before we say goodbye to January.
Now, what does everyone else think about the Canadian Government lowering the excersise and fitness requirements for Canadians? It seems to me that it's just making it ok to be sedentary and unhealthy. I'm the first one to admit that I don't get as much excercise as I should be. I know that taking the bus was at least getting me some walking in everyday. I can blame it on the climate, and I can blame the transit system making it hard to get to the gym, and I can say I'm too busy... but really, in the end, there is at least half an hour a day we all waste on facebook, or playing a mind numbing game, or texting inanities on our cell phones, that we could spend going for a walk. Hell, I have a Wii fit and I STILL somehow can't find the time.
Okay, that was a tangent and a half. See what happens when I don't write for a while? I think my point was that we can all find the time to excercise if we have the will and the want, but finding excuses not to seems easier. The government just provided us with another one.