Yesterday I happened to see both "The Children of Huang Shi" and "Married Life" in a row in the same theater!
I was prepared for David's brief appearance in the CoHS, but I think what he did was great. I always wonder why he chooses these kind of minor roles. Nevertheless he always acts as if he's playing the leading part.
On the whole it was a wonderful movie. I've never been a big fan of Jonathan Rhys Meyers, but I think he was great as George Hogg, the journalist who saves a group of orphaned children during the Japanese occupation of China in 1937.
I was more looking forward to Married Life. I knew David would appear in one scene bare chested and OH MY - what scene it was! *drools*
It was obviously filmed right after 300! Those muscles! *thud*
The film was very funny at times. Especially in one particular scene David made me laugh.
He had a few, but important scenes and I think what he did was top of the line!
It's obvious people think David is a chameleon, no film he's playing in is the same.
Thanks to miwa here's a picture of David in Married Life, playing charades.
Isn't he gorgeous! *thud*