I'm so excited!!!!!
David Wenham has been confirmed to play the male lead in a new movie:
http://www.times-age.co.nz/localnews/storydisplay.cfm?storyID=3774427&thesection=localnews&thesubsectionprobably together with "our" Carice van Houten.
. . . Australian actor David Wenham, most famous for his role as Faramir in the Lord of the Rings trilogy, has been confirmed as the male lead and producers are currently in negotiations with Dutch actress Carice van Houten;
Mr Scott said he expects to sign her contract soon, "she loves the script." . . .
It's an international production with filming locations such as Wellington, Berlin and Amsterdam!
Supposed the news is true, I can only hope he will come to Amsterdam. The very thought of having him so close to me ..... *sigh*
So please keep your fingers crossed for me! :-)