My Computer History version 3.0

Oct 04, 2009 22:44

This is version 3.0 of my computer history which reflects the additions to my computers since 2009 and also adds my ipod/iphone history.

The original computer history I posted can be found here.

And the 2nd version here.

1976 - Was born.

1977 - Binatone Mark 10

Originally I thought this was bought before I was born, but I have now tracked down an image and the make and realise it came out in 1977. As it had been in the house as long as I can remember I assume my p;arents bought it in 77.
I remember playing this with my brother and finding it to be astonishing. It is probably this that gave birth to my geekgirl nature despite the very basic block animations and limited sports games.

1982 - Spectrum 16k

First real computer to my joy bought by my Mother one shopping afternoon. Much fun was had playing the wall game, arcadia and Hungry Horace. More games came later. Much frustration came with the books where you could type in your own games but they would not work if you got a single character wrong.

Mmm rubber keypads.

1983/84 - Spectrum 48k

New Spectrum either bought or old 16k upgraded. I cannot remember which.
Same year used BBC computer for the first time at friends house and in Primary school.

Yes it was made by the British Broadcasting Corporation, bless them. though I hear Acorn computers had a hand in it. :)

1987 - For Christmas got a Spectrum 128k My very first own computer. My days as a geekgirl began.

1989 - Impressed with a friends Atari ST computer I wanted one like hers. Brother suggested instead the more powerful Amiga.

Birthday money, Christmas money, life savings and insurance money from my bike being stolen eventually
Same year Mum brings back from her work to do some work at home on several occasions the new computer the Apple Macintosh SE

I am completely blown away, think Macs are the best computers ever. (Still do.) From then on it is my dream to own one.

1991 - Mum Buys and Apple Mac Classic 2.

My love for Apples increase. I spend many hours playing and working on it. I loved this computer so much that when my Mother got a new modern computer I saved it from being thrown out and I have kept it stored away to this day. :)

1997 - Savings and bonds and birthday money pay for my very first Apple computer. The 5500/225

Once again mind blown away. Some initial problems gotten over with it. Though the problems with some sound freezing it never resolved. midi's were it's bane.
This computer helped me go online properly for the first time, though in 95/96 I had gone online a few times in an internet cafe.

Same year friend buys a playstation and leaves it at my house. Playstation never leaves my house again as friend did not have a TV at the time and by the time they got a flat and TV the Playstation 2 came out. :)

1999 - Mum buys an iMac

2001 - My Job helps pay for a Apple Mac G4 733.

The most money I have spent in my entire life the computer and monitor costing me 1950 pounds sterling.

Same year I buy a playstation 2

2005 - Mum muys the new Mac Mini

Yes that is the full computer, yes it is smaller than most peoples cd or dvd drives. :)
I inherit her old iMac which I use in my bedroom.


I had dreamed of getting a powerbook G4 in 2006 and I almost did but a little before i was going to buy it suddenly they updated their products and the macbook came out. a computer far superior to the G4 and also cheaper.

In May 2006 the day after my birthday I went and bought myself the Macbook.

Come december with a some money from my Taid as well as Christmas money I got myself a new desktop computer. I had wanted a mac pro which is an incredibly powerful computer and easy to upgrade. Alas it was a little out of my price range.

I settled on a iMac 20" with boosted graphics card. In its own right a very powerful computer and also nice and compact into one.

I am very happy with my new computer and it should last me a good 5 years.

In 2008 I boosted its ram to 3gb


Alas my iMac did not last. In March 2009 it sucumbed to the first virus I have ever had which destroyed its hard drive and the external hard drive I used for backups. I still have the iMac and hope soon to put a new hard drive in it and give it to my mum. But this gave me a good opportunity to buy a mac pro.

I always intended to buy a mac pro though probably not until 2010/11. But I decided I may as well now. I will still be paying it off until 2011 but it is a beautiful powerful machine

It uses a 2.66GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon Procesor, 3GB Ram, ATI Radeon HD 4870 Graphics Card 512mb and 750GB hard drive. Currently running Mac OS 10.5 Leopard.

The Monitor is a 24" Samsung. Huuuge and great for wathing downloaded programes.


I would never remember the models of all my music listening devices. Numerous walkman and Discman. I remember my first I got for my birthday in around 1983 and was a Sony Walkman.

My first iPod I bought in 2006 after I got my job.

It was an iPod Nano and held just 2gb. But that was far more than any walkman, diskman or phone I had had before held and I loved it.

In October 2006 the ipod Touh came out. It had been announced the same time as the iPhone and as much as I wanted an iPhone right then I could not aford it. The iPod touch was everything I wanted in a music player and more.

In early 2008 they allowed other developers to create applications and this opened up a door to many new wonderful functions.

In december 2009 I decided to treat myself for Christmas to an iPhone.

It had everything the iPod Touch had and more. Of course the phone part being the big part hich meant I no longer had to carry a ipod and a mobile. But it also had a camera and opened ip more applications plus had constant internet. I would say one of the best buys I have ever made.

The future?

Well I am a girl who always likes to keep up to date. I have heard many rumours, and they seem pretty solid that apple will soon bring out a tablet computer. Basically a laptop without a keyboard and using a touchscreen. Some rumours say it will just be like a bigger ipod touch, others say be more like a proper computer and some say they will bring out both. A 6inch ipod touch style and larger 10 or 12 inch proper computer style.

If I can afford it one day I hope to buy one.

memories, games, accomplished, geeky, happy

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