So, at my secretary job, this email was sent to the church inbox. I'm totally not kidding, and I haven't altered this in any way, shape, or form. It would spoil the beauty of how utterly ridiculous it is.
Best evidence strongly suggests that many years ago the earth was struck by some natural disaster and has been dying ever since. This may have been a huge meteor striking the earth, a shift in the suns magnetic, or many other theories could be correct. If all human life had disappeared at the time of the disaster, or never later appeared, did you know this would still be a dying planet? The world is dying without us! As earth born people and a natural part the world, view ourselves as the only possible saviors and not the destroyers of planet Earth.
Geology reveals a once tropical Earth with food and plants in abundance. Then something happened that caused Climate Change. Figuratively speaking, the Earth became a less complex living organism because many species were lost. In other words, all life on Earth is de-volving. Survival in this world became a struggle for both animals and plants. Adaptation to the new and scarce food environment became a never-ending search for provisions, weakening surviving species of the disaster even further. A sick and dying planet fails to provide a healthy diet. Starvation, disease and defects soon became common. Some of the survivors learned to accept the radically altered environment by becoming predators. Meat eaters became dominant in the alleged "food chain" of self-serving creatures. Weather patterns also became hostile. Periodic droughts followed by famine, then flooding washing away the topsoil, has further reduced most vegetation to coastal areas and floodwater re gions. Geological evidence also reveals that hars
h conditions led to extinctions with fewer and weaker species surviving. Because starving animals and humans have been forced to devour the remaining trees and shrubs and even each other, it can be said that all life on Earth is in danger of extinction as we eat our way to death. And with the carnage so vast after the natural disaster, seawaters quickly became salty. Dead animals and plants washed down by erosion turned fresh water seas into the saltwater oceans of today. Most of the earth is now, already, baron and desolated waste areas of ice, saltwater and sand. Nor has any new species ever been shown coming into existence since the disaster struck. Nor can any species evolve upwards under difficult and hostile conditions because the greater complexity available before the disaster is necessary for developing the most complex life. Truly the Earth became a sick and dying world.
Contrary to popular belief, gravity alone does not hold down the atmosphere. Without the Genesis Canopy (Gen 1:6,7) in the thermosphere incasing the Earth, the atmosphere is slowly dissipating into outer-space. That also explains why the ancient atmosphere found in core samples is about twice the thickness as the air today. Present air thickness does not provide enough "lift" for the giant Pterodactyl to fly nor enough air for the huge dinosaurs to breath. The only conditions under which these massive creatures could exist is within an atmosphere about least twice the present density. Scientific studies with hyperbolic chambers shown that within the ancient atmosphere, our cells reproduce themselves accurately and the aging process can be prevented! Those paradise conditions pr ovided an environment for a potentially everlasting life for all the once Vegan creatures of the Earth.
One theory states that the huge dinosaurs died from oxygen deprivation. As atmospheric thinning took place most plants would also disappear. Another theory, observing humans, says that physical work, which is good for the muscles, takes from the brain its' much needed share of oxygen. This also implies there is no longer enough air for our most advanced species to exist at full genetic expression, further blocking progress on saving planet Earth.
Dinosaurs with their large appetites, trimmed back plant overgrowth. No unwanted "weeds" or any underbrush existed. This helped keep the Earth a tropical paradise for all the varied species that once lived here. Dinosaurs are the real caretakers of the Earth. Humans have now taken over this role best done by extinct animals, which has further reduced us to animalistic tendencies. What is needed to restore a healthy planet is not our reduced carbon footprint, but to restore those original caretakers to the Earth. A resurrection of the dead, both animal and human, right here on Earth is needed to revive the ecosystem. The only real solution for the salvation of the planet is something like the movie Jurassic Park; to resurrect all life forms, bringing them back to their original vegan state, restoring all things new again.
Science reveals not global warming from green house gasses, but a planet dying from natural causes. Human fossil fuel activity has not altered the direction of a dying planet and accounts for only a fraction of carbonic emissions. Life in general has been trapped by the disaster's consequences of survival of the fittest, the most vicious wins, and the predator-prey relationships existing in a brutal world.
Those who say, "WE are ruining the earth", reveal a lack of self-confidence and faith in God's design of human nature; a guilt-complex. Those who say, "THEY are ruining the earth", display an irresponsible attitude. One must be willing to take responsibility upon oneself for improving world conditions. Since we all live in a sick world, ask yourself this question. Am I part of the problem or part of the solution? Then what is a healthy and balanced view to have in an unhealthy world? Say, "We are the saviors of the World". This reveals confidence and responsibility towards correcting world conditions.
Contrary to what we learned in school, Earth's life-signs are all winding down. Earth rotation is slowing down at the rate of about one second per year. El Nino slowed Earth rotation dramatically and the former rate of speed never completely returned. Gravity alone does not hold down the atmosphere contrary to what modern scientist long believed. The atmosphere is dissipating into outer space without the water canopy pushing down. But to an environmentalist, protecting Earth has meant more regulations on humans and consequently, less freedom. We are punishing ourselves for a problem we did not create. Change your philosophy. We must stop asking what we can do for Mother Earth and start asking what Mother Earth can develop for us. See yourself and humanity as the solution by supporting deregulation and human development. See nature as the real problem. Trust in giving freedom to investors and the democratic way of life. Excessive laws not only block progress but also driv e people into criminal methods of self-expression. Similar to the way food shortages drove some animals into the predatory lifestyle. In the words of Rene Descartes the great French philosopher, "the multitude of laws frequently furnishes an excuse for vice, and a state is much better governed with a few laws which are strictly adhered to". Thus de-regulation is part of the answer.
The situation may seem hopeless, but many are finding ways. The "Stars Wars" missile defense system can be modified for defense against meteors slamming into the planet. (That may have caused the first disaster.) Remember the technologies we have today seemed impossible a hundred years ago and the world is progressing at exponential rates. Who can say what capabilities will be shown in the next hundred years ands some disasters have already been averted.
This is a dying planet and has been a dying planet even before humans developed the first automobile. If our planet is to be saved, we are the ones that must save it. We are not receiving help from above. We must control the forces of nature or the forces of nature will control us. We must develop idealities that yield technologies that can rejuvenate the earth or this will become a dead planet. If we recycled 100%, if we gave back into the ecosystem everything we use, this would only slow down the rate of death on dying planet Earth because the planet is dying from natural causes. And how can we develop technologies to save the Earth if required to ride bicycles under United Nations mandate? We must ignorantly stop blaming humanity for the origin of world problems and get to the real difficulties on hand:
The Forces of Nature and the Consequences of Submission to Them. by Richard Moss