Jan 13, 2010 11:52
registered for 2 classes this semester. i don't "want" to go to class, but in all other aspects, i am ready
financial aid finally worked the way it was supposed to. I registered for class and then within the next 2 days, the classes were paid for. DONE!
oh ya, and i think a year ago, last spring semester, i mentioned 1 class costing $600, that may have been because it was online.
because 2 (in person) classes cost $669, just the classes alone, the total cost of the books for those (bought used at the bookstore) were about $200. $900 for 2 classes! woo. the pell grant i was awarded was supposed to be $2000, i didn't get all of it last semester and i kinda doubt i will get it all this semester... it is nice to dream tho.
either way this means every penny i earn does no longer have to go to school. (i am already working on the FASFA for the next school year)
i think this is what i am so excited about. i can save up money to have my cars maintenance up to date. i can get contacts again. i can afford to have my cats teeth cleaned! i may not have the time but i may have the money to finally play WoW!
and i am now considering withdrawing some of what money i have left over from the fall grant and going to buy stuff i need, and maybe some clothes ( hey i need those too!), and music , movies ? *looks around innocently*
oh ya, and once i finished at school today (getting everything ready for next tuesday) i got home to hear my brother say that he is thinking about enrolling in fall! i have to write this here and hope it comes to pass. it is just a little hard to believe. as he is 31, and we couldn't tell if he had any plans for the future, or just planned to stay with mom and dad till he is what 40? so we shall see
financial aid,
lack of money