Oct 29, 2009 13:23
ok so financial aid for this semester finally came through!
i think apparently they were having some technical difficulties
so since 8/28 ( 2 months! for a total of 3 since i was notified that i was being awarded a grant!
so for most of september, thanx to someone telling me i probably didn't get it, after all i went through. i spent the month pretty depressed not expecting to get it and i moved on and tried to prepare myself to just survive financially as best as i could. when on 9/24 i must have had some time to kill, and maybe wanted to check the exact date the next payment was due. i had this urge to click view my awards and sure enough it now said that i had been awarded $412 for this semester when previously it said i had not been awarded anything. and then a couple weeks go by and it gos up to $500 ! now began another long stressful waiting process after i had already waited most of this year and seen not 1 dime!
a week ago on 10/21 i received notification that the eagle card they sent me to get my refunds easier, now has $113 on. well that is great. that is enough for the last payment, but where is the rest. another week of waiting, yesterday (a week later) i was tired of waiting. i didn't want to wait and then find out something got messed up that could have been fixed. i hadn't been back to the financial aid offices since august but i went. blessedly they weren't even busy. i still had to wait half an hour. and they i discussed the situation with the lady, she looked on the computer and told me that the rest should be refunded to my credit card, but that it took 5-7 business days. basically she told me to wait a little longer. so i said ok, and sure enough today it was in the bank account! yay! money! yay!
i can pay back my parents, and try to be ready for next semester, it shows an estimated amount of $2000 to be awarded to me then :p which after all this i now know is unlikely, but as long as i get it before half the semester is over ( i have 1 test left and then the final to take and the semester is over, think i am doing pretty good btw, considering it is math) but i plan to save up a little bit to cushion me till next year, christmas is hard on my bank 8/
anyhow, now that money isn't so much of an issue, and i still trying to make this year awesome, at least better then last year. i am gonna try to go to the celtic thunder concert! a nice end to my concert year!
anywho my costume for halloween this year is a hippie! gonna go buy accessories! 8p
financial aid,
lack of money