Aug 28, 2009 16:08
so tired of waiting. i still believe i am getting something from financial aid, but i have been waiting.... all month.the beginning of this month i was merely informed that i was awarded an estimated amount, pell grant. shortly afterward i was notified i had 4 days to show up and provide documentation. i showed up the 2nd day, a monday and saw that the server was down, about 4 ppl were waiting, and as far as i could tell people that came in 2 hours before i had were still waiting. i left to run some errands, i returned in after an hour, not knowing they would check up on people who could be waiting for no reason, and i found that my name had been scratched off. as i had to eat and get ready for work still i called it quits that day and came back the next, the 18th of august. i had to wait nearly 3 hours, including the half an hour or so i sat in front of the lady who was "helping me". she barely said anything to me, especially at first when i could have been doing something with my time and filling out the sheet she eventually had me fill out. i am still not sure what she did tell me when she finally talked with me. she was so quiet i hardly heard her at all. and whatever she told me now makes no sense.
about a week after that day the screen that once showed that i had been awarded a pell grant no said that i had no awards to view. the pell grant appeared to disappear.
and now today i receive an email stating that the eagle card ( the money will be on) is in the mail and on its way. but it may not get here for 5-9 business days, so by the time it gets here i will have waited a full month. heres hoping this was all worth it
financial aid,
lack of money