Grumpy Thinks Filters Are Wussie!

Jan 27, 2008 05:47

I just had this dream:

Tom, my mom, Derek, and I were at this junk store on the way home from Portland, and I was trying to buy a lighter, but the damn thing would not ring up no matter what we did. We were there for ages for some reason, and I got bored. In the course of the dream, I tried to convince my mom and Tom that we'd been at the store for two hours, but they were both yelling at me, telling me not to be such an asshole about it, and it had not been that long. Tom randomly started working the counter, and I got annoyed. I decided I was going to walk over to a gas station and get a pack of cigarettes, but the original guy who was running the counter told me I wasn't getting anything from that gas station, because it was closed(I had looked at my cell phone a minute before I left, and it was only 8pm) I asked where the next 24 hours gas station was, and he told me eight miles. I said I was going to walk there, because eight miles was not that far to me. He then asked me something about what I was going to do with two hours, but I don't remember what it was(I really wish I did, because it seemed important) whatever it was, it stopped me dead in my tracks, and made me realize it was Grumpy(Tom's late father) It didn't look like the pictures I have seen of him though. The next thing I know, we are talking about smoking, and how he started when he was 10, and we're laughing our asses off. There was a women with him, who I assume was suppose to be Grammy Dolores(once again, looking nothing like her) Grumpy and I seemed to talk for hours about everything that crossed our minds, and then I looked up at the window to see Mum and Tom watching us interact with smiles on their faces.

I woke up and had to write this, because it seemed really weird that I would have a dream with a man I never met in it, and I don't even know if Grumpy wouldn't surprise me, everyone smoked back in the day.

That was my awesome dream, that I had to jump out of bed at 6am to record.
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